So, the backstory to this is relatively interesting..
Sometime a few months ago, I upgraded from Tiger to Leopard with a clean install (after backing everything up on an external HD of course). When I was moving my itunes library over from the external HD to the internal, I realized it was going really slow. Sure, I have tons of songs, but it took something like 30hrs to finish. At that point, I started posting on this forum like crazy trying to find answers. Naturally, I've never had an issue with my iMac before. <3.
Several nice and helpful people told me my HD is most likely on its last leg. I'm still under warranty (platinum!) so I called up tech and told them the deal. They sent me a box, I sent them my iMac, etc. etc. I had explained to the guy that I'm fairly certain it's my HD. Everything's fine, everything goes just as fast as always, until I try to move data to the internal HD from any outside source (external, disk, mounted dmg, etc), then it goes painfully slow. But I stressed to him that I am by no means certain, so please have the 3rd party company run all the diagnostics they can.
So everything's going on well, I'm excited about getting a fresh HD (not to mention a new superdrive, keyboard, and mouse at my request!). I got my iMac yesterday (Aug 28), hooked it up, and immediately started setting up my prefs just how I like them. Everything was running fine. Then when I started moving files over from my external, Same issue!! Files under 100mbs were taking 5-10 minutes. Outrageous!
So, I frantically called up tech and told them the issue. They're only solution is to send it out - again. Honestly, if they didn't get it fixed the first time, why bother sending it to them again?! But then again, I really have no other choice. Besides, after three attempts, if I am still unsatisfied, they send me a brand spankin' new iMac, and well .. that's a pleasant thought. :]
So my issue right now is, how exactly do I tell if my internal HD is running slow? I mean, I can tell when I move some data over, but are there applications that can show me this in a more diagnostic manner? For instance, I could compare specs, speed times, etc. of my externals and the internal? I'm really unfamiliar with all of this and would appreciate all the help you can give me. :] I'd just like something more black-and-white to tell me "hey, your HD is slow" instead of me just seeing the outcome of the data transfer, because to me, there are a lot of variables to consider, so it makes it less set in stone than a diagnostic app would be. Know what I mean? lol. I hope so because I barely do.. haha.
Again, I really appreciate any and all help. Thanks *oodles*!
iMac info:
20" 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
OSX 10.5.6
250GB WD Internal HD
250GB WD External HD via USB
250GB LaCie External HD via FireWire
Sometime a few months ago, I upgraded from Tiger to Leopard with a clean install (after backing everything up on an external HD of course). When I was moving my itunes library over from the external HD to the internal, I realized it was going really slow. Sure, I have tons of songs, but it took something like 30hrs to finish. At that point, I started posting on this forum like crazy trying to find answers. Naturally, I've never had an issue with my iMac before. <3.
Several nice and helpful people told me my HD is most likely on its last leg. I'm still under warranty (platinum!) so I called up tech and told them the deal. They sent me a box, I sent them my iMac, etc. etc. I had explained to the guy that I'm fairly certain it's my HD. Everything's fine, everything goes just as fast as always, until I try to move data to the internal HD from any outside source (external, disk, mounted dmg, etc), then it goes painfully slow. But I stressed to him that I am by no means certain, so please have the 3rd party company run all the diagnostics they can.
So everything's going on well, I'm excited about getting a fresh HD (not to mention a new superdrive, keyboard, and mouse at my request!). I got my iMac yesterday (Aug 28), hooked it up, and immediately started setting up my prefs just how I like them. Everything was running fine. Then when I started moving files over from my external, Same issue!! Files under 100mbs were taking 5-10 minutes. Outrageous!
So, I frantically called up tech and told them the issue. They're only solution is to send it out - again. Honestly, if they didn't get it fixed the first time, why bother sending it to them again?! But then again, I really have no other choice. Besides, after three attempts, if I am still unsatisfied, they send me a brand spankin' new iMac, and well .. that's a pleasant thought. :]
So my issue right now is, how exactly do I tell if my internal HD is running slow? I mean, I can tell when I move some data over, but are there applications that can show me this in a more diagnostic manner? For instance, I could compare specs, speed times, etc. of my externals and the internal? I'm really unfamiliar with all of this and would appreciate all the help you can give me. :] I'd just like something more black-and-white to tell me "hey, your HD is slow" instead of me just seeing the outcome of the data transfer, because to me, there are a lot of variables to consider, so it makes it less set in stone than a diagnostic app would be. Know what I mean? lol. I hope so because I barely do.. haha.
Again, I really appreciate any and all help. Thanks *oodles*!
iMac info:
20" 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
OSX 10.5.6
250GB WD Internal HD
250GB WD External HD via USB
250GB LaCie External HD via FireWire