It should indeed be hidden. It's normal for it to be recreated, but it's not normal for it to show up. Try doing this in a terminal:
chflags hidden ~/Desktop/.DS_Store
Actually any files/directories whose names start with the dot character (dot files) are treated as hidden and thus it shouldn't be necessary to set their hidden flag. Thus as Weaselboy suggets, the OP has most likely (maybe inadvertently) changed the Finder settings to show such hidden files. Usually it's the following setting (commands for the Terminal follow):
- to verify the current value - normally it should return an error "The domain/default pair of (/Users/.../Library/Preferences/, AppleShowAllFiles) does not exist" or value "0":
defaults read AppleShowAllFiles
- to enable - e.g. reveal hidden files:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean TRUE
killall Finder
- to disable - e.g. revert to the default state when hidden files are not shown:
defaults delete AppleShowAllFiles
killall Finder