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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 12, 2017
Hello everyone,

If you use (mostly) Finder for your everyday's file management needs, you may be interested in FileUtils, a FinderSync extension, which adds some menu items to Finder's contextual menu (and dedicated Finder toolbar item menu), performing some operations and tasks Finder doesn't do on its own. It started as something I needed myself, but over time it grew enough to give me incentive to make it public.

The current set of available functionality and operations reflect my most common needs, plus a few extras for good measure. The idea is to constantly add new features, functionality and operations. User feedback should have a huge role in it, so I encourage you to come forward with ideas of what could be added to FileUtils. My intention is to make it useful to the widest audience possible. If you’re interested about details and incentives to create FileUtils, you can read about it in the initial blog post.

There are probably many things to be improved regarding current functionality, and there are probably many hidden bugs as well. If you encounter any of those, or have any other comments and suggestions, don't hesitate to voice them. You can use the contact form on the support page, or contact us directly by email.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 12, 2017
Honestly, I haven't. I was aware of ContextMenu, but not of Service Station. As far as I can see, they are a little bit different in concept, mostly enabling different ways of handling files (application to open, compare, add services menu items into the contextual menu, execute custom scripts…), whereas FileUtils is more focused on concrete actions/operations executed on files. I started with what I needed the most, which were full POSIX permissions, ACL and some decent multi-file renamer (easily available in Finder, not through a separate application), and size browser came quickly afterwards. The rest was added gradually.

That being said, as I've said, no problem adding new functionality. Just throw ideas. I don't use features I see in ContextMenu and Service Station, but who knows, while implementing something similar, I may learn to appreciate them.
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