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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 7, 2017
When CCC clones a Filevault2 encrypted drive is the clone also encrypted?
And would it be encrypted if copied (cloned) back to a different computer?


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 7, 2017
It's a great help, thanks. Speaks in one of sub-links directly to my question. To wit:

If I back up an encrypted volume to a non-encrypted volume, will the copied files be encrypted on the destination?"

"No, encryption occurs at a much lower level than copying files. When an application reads a file from the encrypted source volume, macOS decrypts the file on-the-fly, so the application only ever has access to the decrypted contents of the file. Whether your backed-up files are encrypted on the destination depends on whether encryption is enabled on the destination volume. If you want the contents of your backup volume to be encrypted, follow the procedure documented here to enable encryption."
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