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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 29, 2023
Apple has dropped the Pro designation from Final Cut. With few updates and Apples
Failure to listen to the needs of the Pro
Community for collaboration and a cloud
Solution, are there any Mac Rumors regarding all new Pro level video editor
In the works? Or is this just a huge marketing blunder? Or are the reasons more technical with regards to the Apple File System regarding app/process isolation?


macrumors 68030
Mar 4, 2022
United States
Apple has dropped the Pro designation from Final Cut. With few updates and Apples
Failure to listen to the needs of the Pro
Community for collaboration and a cloud
Solution, are there any Mac Rumors regarding all new Pro level video editor
In the works? Or is this just a huge marketing blunder? Or are the reasons more technical with regards to the Apple File System regarding app/process isolation?
What do you mean by "dropped the 'Pro' designation?"

No, I haven't heard or seen any news of a new editor from Apple. That's why I use Resolve—because for $5/month, you can host a project library in the cloud and have clients across the world work on it... or you can have a local server at your house/studio that hosts projects, and then you can work off multiple computers locally.

Although I LOVE Logic Pro, it's an amazing DAW that I use almost every day!


macrumors member
Mar 21, 2011
I'm sorry, but WT* are you going on about?

dropped the Pro designation from Final Cut

Excuse me?? 😂

Failure to listen to the needs of the Pro

Oh really? Do tell. So you are "a professional"? What exactly are you not able to do with FC in its current state? Oh right… "collaboration" via some cloud via some menu item? Well, then you clearly have NO clue what you're blathering about (if that wasn't already obvious) since FC is perfectly suited for collaboration by itself or, if needed, via 3rd parties! But sure, you (and <2% of the market) of course need it so badly that you'd rather PAY for it through the nose after buying into the endless marketing PR from various OEMs. Well then, FC clearly is not for you! Use something else? Who cares??

There are plenty of professionals using FCP (more than ever used FC7 btw!) on a daily basis doing better and most of all FASTER work than all the rest. If you want to gauge your "professionalism" by which app you use or how often it's updated, good luck with that! Spoiler: then you're anything BUT a professional.

No NLE is everything to everyone and if you're waiting for that you may want to consider a different job.

Or is this just a huge marketing blunder? Or are the reasons more technical with regards to the Apple File System regarding app/process isolation?


WHA??! 🤣
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macrumors 68030
Mar 4, 2022
United States
Oh really? Do tell. So you are "a professional"? What exactly are you not able to do with FC in its current state? Oh right… "collaboration" via some cloud? Well, then you clearly have NO clue what you're blathering about (if that wasn't already obvious) since FC is perfectly suited for collaboration by itself or, if needed, via 3rd parties!
Right. And, @Bookcollector, there's this thing called which is a third-party service that also works with other NLEs!

Even I have close to zero knowledge of FCP, and yet, I know that exists and works with it. Maybe do a little more research? Of course, I'm not saying is the answer, because there are several other tools as @lin2log points out.

Marco Klobas

macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2017
@Bookcollector is probably referring to this article (the only search result matching the Pro dropped statement I found):

It's only an opinion. It's true that many Final Cut Pro users started to "worry" about the future of this app. That said, nobody at Apple officially stated that Final Cut Pro will become Final Cut Pro.

Apple is secretive and when updates are lacking users start to "panic". Just remember how Mac mini was declared dead by some users back in the time when it seemed abandoned.

Speaking of collaboration, besides third party cloud services, OWC owns a HW/SW solution for teams which seems doable even for FCP usage:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 29, 2023
I am referring largely to Hollywood post production houses that were one time MAC
Shops and devotees of Final Cut. Post production houses utilize many different
Departments that collaborate together on a single project. Many no longer use Final Cut
Because it lacks collaboration which is essential to their workflow. The pro industry sent apple an open letter signed by many industry shops complaining about the lack of collaboration and requested Apple incorporate collaboration into Final Cut which went largely on deaf ears. Adobe embraced collaboration with Team Projects and purchasing and integrating Frame.IO. Blackmagic also embraced collaboration
At the industries need thru their own cloud solution. Collaboration means little to the individual film makers but means the difference to large production houses so many of these shops have to to Adobe, Blackmagic and Avid.


macrumors member
Mar 21, 2011
Apparently, no one here has ever heard of PostLab?? "Bookcollector" least of all.

And yes, the ymcinema article is mindless drivel. Equating the number of updates an app gets with its level of "professionalism"? What amazing journalism. Of course, without actually naming one thing that said "professionals" are missing functionally with FC. Funny how that is. Outside of the usual "collaboration!" dog whistle that is, which is patently false, merely because there is no explicit menu item for it? 🤦🏼‍♂️ Pretending as if any NLE is everything to everyone, whether FC, PPro, DVR or even Avid. 🙄

Could collaboration be easier and/or more streamlined? Sure! And I'm sure it will be when Apple has it worked out at the level that they want. The only question is to what degree they want to "Sherlock" 3rd parties such as PostLab.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2013
Clickbait article, I read it yesterday and was giggling while on a break from shooting. Most of it is a paste from 2011 articles, bashing FCP for its lack of features. It doesn't justify why it is not a Pro app any more. If it just because less Hollywood films are edited on, then that makes film not a pro medium as well. #Kodakisdoomed


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 29, 2023
Apparently, no one here has ever heard of PostLab?? "Bookcollector" least of all.

And yes, the ymcinema article is mindless drivel. Equating the number of updates an app gets with its level of "professionalism"? What amazing journalism. Of course, without actually naming one thing that said "professionals" are missing functionally with FC. Funny how that is. Outside of the usual "collaboration!" dog whistle that is, which is patently false, merely because there is no explicit menu item for it? 🤦🏼‍♂️ Pretending as if any NLE is everything to everyone, whether FC, PPro, DVR or even Avid. 🙄

Could collaboration be easier and/or more streamlined? Sure! And I'm sure it will be when Apple has it worked out at the level that they want. The only question is to what degree they want to "Sherlock" 3rd parties such as PostLab.
Thank you for the PostLab education which indeed seems to be a good viable 3rd party solution for disparate team projects.
I am a retired Systems Engineer and with production and post production houses collaborating over a local fiber channel network offers much faster bandwidth in real time which is far preferable as far as workflow and performance vs a cloud solution which requires huge amounts of network bandwidth which effects a bottleneck and effects workflow.
With collaboration and teams as a feature set of FCP you work faster and more effectively over a LAN network. Working in the field on set PostLab becomes invaluable to production houses. PostLab is a great solution when dealing with independent film makers and with disparate contractors for delivery and collaboration.
Final Cut is indeed a Professional editor which many prefer due to the innovative storytelling magnetic timeline.
The cinema industry sent apple an open letter signed by many cinema professionals requesting collaboration to added to the feature set to make FCP a viable option for the industry which fell on deaf ears unlike Adobe and Blackmagic who listened to the industry who want to compete for market share with Avid but Apple apparently does not. Hence my post regarding Apple developing an enterprise version with collaboration built in seeing if anyone on MAC RUMORS heard anything regarding this and it wouldn’t surprise me if Apple does just this.
Like Adobe buying maybe Apple will buy PostLab and incorporate it into an enterprise version.


macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2008
Brockton, MA
Well, the Apple website and Mac App Store still call it Final Cut Pro. Also, while the new Final Cut Pro indeed started out seemingly like a joke compared to FCP 7, they've put back more missing pro features and added more new ones, to the point where even with the unusual magnetic timeline, it's now pretty much up to par with Adobe Premiere Pro and Magix Vegas Pro. Even the interface looks more professional now! It's also what I use to make my YouTube Poops, as I explain in a blog post about its' difficult launch, along with my fursona talking about it on my YouTube channel...


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2010
There is no way of know what Apple has planned or is working on for FCP, but I feel like it is pretty clear that they are no not interested in the large scale production environments and the large investments in development and support playing in such a niche market would take.

While Final Cut Pro 10 has evolved into a great product, I think Apple now values it more as a technology demonstrator than a product they sell. It is the poster child for what is possible with the fusion of Apple Hardware and Software. Most people, regardless of their technical knowledge, know that editing professional movies and video is a very intensive task and requires a powerful personal computer. So it is the perfect vehicle to showcase Apple Silicon, Metal, ProRes, and things like XDR display technology to consumers without having to wait for 3rd party developers to implement and optimize for the latest hardware/software achievements.

On the other side of the coin, it attracts the 3rd party developers and entices them to develop for the Mac and use those same technologies to make better products. I think the biggest case in point here is Blackmagic/Davinci Resolve. In the past 5 years they have gone full in on embracing Apple and macOS and now Resolve is absolutely brilliant on the Mac.

I do think that was enhanced by their partnership on the eGPUs and that Apple provided them a lot of resources to make their product better on the Mac. And I do think this was part of a conscious decision by Apple to not pursue the features studios and large scale productions wanted, while also ensuring that there was a top notch option with all the features that were being asked for that was just as well optimized as FCP to draw those users to the Mac anyway.
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macrumors member
Mar 21, 2011
It's also what I use to make my YouTube Poops

Had never thought to produce Youtube Poops with it before. Will have to look into that. 🤦🏼‍♂️

as I explain in a blog post about its' difficult launch, along with my fursona talking about it on my YouTube channel...

That's probably the most ridiculous, infantile, and unfavorable video for any and all FCP user/s that I've seen in a long time. Wow. Thanks for making FC users look like complete morons.

Collaboration means little to the individual film makers

Exactly. The 98+% of the market! It's a complete NICHE feature but of course a mindless buzzword at the moment that you clearly are buying into hook, line, and sinker. Bravo. As if that were somehow THE feature that decides "pro" or not. 🙄

The whole "Oh, but Hollywood…!" argumentation is just so utterly ignorant. The vocal sub 2% of the editing market that is only shrinking daily. Why should I or the other 98% give a flying rat's *** what they think or use?!

And the fact that you quote a NAS workflow of all things just shows you have no clue what you're talking about since FC does just FINE in that environment out of the box and without any BS subscription or other costs. That is if you know what you're doing!

So maybe don't just mindlessly parrot everything you indiscriminately read on the internet without even having so much as a BASIC understanding of what you're talking about?? Thanks.
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