Will the new final cut x work on a card not specifically made for apple? I'm thinking of something like a nvidia GTX 560 2gb, GTX 670 2gb, or a radeon 6970, or 6990. As far as the types, nvidia or radeon? I'm leaning towards nvidia because of the reputability of EVGA, but am open to suggestions. (if I go radeon, it would probably be XFX or Saphire). How comparable is the 6990 to a GTX 670? Is it worth the extra 400?
Also, if anyone has suggestions on the graphics cards, let me know. I'm looking for something less than 300, but probably could go to 400(like the 670).
Also, if anyone has suggestions on the graphics cards, let me know. I'm looking for something less than 300, but probably could go to 400(like the 670).