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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
It doesn't take a crystal ball to guess that there will be a Final Cut Pro 4, but there sure has been a lot of talk about it being announced on Sunday at the NAB show. The more conservative rumor has been that Apple will only preivew a few elements of it to a closed door seminar and others say that it will be an announcement of FCP4 DVDSP bundle, and also Spruce designed encoder cards for the Pro market. Apple bought Spruce over a year ago so releasing something from their team would be about time.
Any thoughts? Anyone hear anything on this?
FCP4 has been in alpah for some time now, I have been checking it out on some carracho servers. Though I don't have it, I hope it gets previewed
This for me would be a bigger announcement than a G5 being intoduced I just got the panasonic dvx100 and I can't wait till fcp can capture and edit natively 24p. I believe this will be one of many improvements along with many more RT effects. DVDsp would be a welcomed update as well
i was thinking fcp4 would be released at nab. i've heard the release has been put back to mid year. if jobs can't show the next generation mac at mwny, he'll need something else to show. indications cinema tools will become part of fcp rather than seperate software. dvdsp is due for improvements. fce is so close to fcp3, fcp4 will have to have a big leap in what it can do. it's all speculation. we'll have to wait for sunday.
Hardware would be a more than welcome addition to the probable interface changes due.

Something with SDI, digital audio and RS422 Deck control, such as whats on offer from Blackmagic design.

Apple should supply 'production packs' such as

DVD Producer
Powermac + Dual DVD-R /+R support, DVDSP, HW Encoder.

Video Producer
Powermac + DV Camera, FCP and equivalent Decklink card.

Make the bundles less than £7000 (inc 2 20" Flatscreens ;)) and most independent film makers/ad agencies/small post houses would jump at such a system.
Originally posted by boskie
Hardware would be a more than welcome addition to the probable interface changes due.

Something with SDI, digital audio and RS422 Deck control, such as whats on offer from Blackmagic design.

Apple should supply 'production packs' such as

DVD Producer
Powermac + Dual DVD-R /+R support, DVDSP, HW Encoder.

Video Producer
Powermac + DV Camera, FCP and equivalent Decklink card.

Make the bundles less than £7000 (inc 2 20" Flatscreens ;)) and most independent film makers/ad agencies/small post houses would jump at such a system.

There are already many 3rd party companise that supply FCP turnkey systems.

Originally posted by LethalWolfe
There are already many 3rd party companise that supply FCP turnkey systems.


I know.

One of the reasons i have held such a high regard for Apple is the fact that they build computer systems. This is also one of my main weapons when 'educating' my pc using friends/collegues.

Apple does an amazing job. SO, if they extended thier expertise in building Computer System's, imagine an Edit suite where not only is the Software Branded but so is the hardware that it runs on and the hardware which processes it, the RAID support from the operating system desgined for ultra fast FW800 Media Drives. All with lightly glowing apple logo's and zero hum.

I can but dream...

If you think this IS a dream then check out AVID's take on where i'm trying to go.

Also see this as i also mention the future there.

:confused:Sorry in advance for this and any more babble, it's late and i'm at work and i'm here for a good few hours more:(
i doubt it will be introduced sunday. sunday isnt the ideal day for introducing new products. plus they already have an annoucement spot set for monday. that will be our day to see whatever the introduce.

Actually the press conference is on Sunday 6th April. As you can see here.

It also says: 'Courtesy shuttle from Panasonic's press conference to Apple's press conference provided. '

Time: 12 - 1pm. Most of the other press conferences only go for 45minutes.

Originally posted by joed
Actually the press conference is on Sunday 6th April. As you can see here.

It also says: 'Courtesy shuttle from Panasonic's press conference to Apple's press conference provided. '

Time: 12 - 1pm. Most of the other press conferences only go for 45minutes.

oh, thanks for the correction, i didnt know the conference is tomorrow, then if it is then it will probably be out tomorrow. thanks for letting me know.

Originally posted by iJon
oh, thanks for the correction, i didnt know the conference is tomorrow, then if it is then it will probably be out tomorrow. thanks for letting me know.


No problem iJon :)

It's nothing special but did you notice that tha Apple press conference is the only one to require a registration?

12:00 - 1:00 p.m. *Registration 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.* April 6
well it should be going on now, hopefully we will see something new on apple's page.

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