well today i just had enogh, i decided that i'm not waiting now and i'm getting my mac this sunday, i've put my money for the mac into my bank and also hoping i will get a student discount if they class me as a student. I chose the 24inch 2.8Ghz model which should be a signifigant change from my current 1.73Ghz C2D laptop. I have to admit i'm still a bit worried, i have not used a mac since 2002 and that was my powermac G3 runningf 0S 9.2 which was a constant noghtmare and I have neve even used leopard so any tips anyone may have please feel free to shgare them
also hope after a month or so to upgrade to 4Gb of RAM and have photoshop set up so i can get back to designing and i've heard macs are the computer to have when it comes to designing
so anything anyone has to share to break me in let me know and it will be appreciated
so anything anyone has to share to break me in let me know and it will be appreciated