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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 3, 2008
Hey guys and gals, just wanted to share my excitement of having finally made an order for an iMac...I've been waiting for this day for quite a while, and have been busily reading up as much as I can about Apple/Macs/OS X/Software for Mac/Peripherals for Mac....the list goes on, but with plenty more to read to keep me busy until it arrives.

I have ordered:

24" iMac 3.06ghz
2gb Memory
500 gb HDD
Geforce 8800gs card
Wireless KB
Wireless MM
Canon Pixma MP610 Mutli-function printer (with rebate)

I'm about to order a 4gb memory kit from for £59, and a possible purchase of a Timecapsule (still toying with the idea)

I am also ordering a new desk:


I recently purchased a dotmac account (soon to be MobileMe) and on friday will be buying a 16gb black iPhone 3G (if all goes well).

I'm a total windows convert much like alot of people I have seen posting at MR just lately (new trend?) and really question myself why I hadn't discovered/moved to Apple a long time ago.

Anyway, I will keep this thread up to date in regards to delivery etc, and once it arrives, I will post unboxing pics (do ppl still want to see these? I wont if you don't) and pics of my set up (again, if you want).
I'm sure I will come across problems (user problems, not hardware) but if I prep myself well, I'm hoping to solve them myself, if need be then I may have to ask for help.

I have been given an estimated shipping date of 15th July '09 and a delivery date of 23-24th July '09, which to me seems fairly reasonable.

I'll stop blabbering on now, and look forward to any comments/tips/advice/banter.

Hey guys and gals, just wanted to share my excitement of having finally made an order for an iMac...I've been waiting for this day for quite a while, and have been busily reading up as much as I can about Apple/Macs/OS X/Software for Mac/Peripherals for Mac....the list goes on, but with plenty more to read to keep me busy until it arrives.

I have ordered:

iMac 3.06ghz
2gb Memory
500 gb HDD
Geforce 8800gs card
Wireless KB
Wireless MM
Canon Pixma MP610 Mutli-function printer (with rebate)

I'm about to order a 4gb memory kit from for £59, and a possible purchase of a Timecapsule (still toying with the idea)

I am also ordering a new desk:


I recently purchased a dotmac account (soon to be MobileMe) and on friday will be buying a 16gb black iPhone 3G (if all goes well).

I'm a total windows convert much like alot of people I have seen posting at MR just lately (new trend?) and really question myself why I hadn't discovered/moved to Apple a long time ago.

Anyway, I will keep this thread up to date in regards to delivery etc, and once it arrives, I will post unboxing pics (do ppl still want to see these? I wont if you don't) and pics of my set up (again, if you want).
I'm sure I will come across problems (user problems, not hardware) but if I prep myself well, I'm hoping to solve them myself, if need be then I may have to ask for help.

I have been given an estimated shipping date of 15th July '09 and a delivery date of 23-24th July '09, which to me seems fairly reasonable.

I'll stop blabbering on now, and look forward to any comments/tips/advice/banter.


Congrats, Neil on your new iMac. What size screen do you order?
Well, its a great iMac I just ordered one. My replacement will be on its way next week.

When you get it run the hardware diagnostic on it as well test out your DVD drive with a couple DVDs. Mine arrived with a dead DVD drive, it went in for repair and came back with dead pixels. So a replacement is on its way. Not to happy about the lost time but at least I'm not stuck with a dud.

Aside from the issues above, this is a quick machine. I can watch a video in itunes, browsing in FireFox, iChat text chat, Handbrake format shifting a .ts to ipod at 140fps and the computer doesn't seem any slower for me on the client side for running additional programs and response times.

Good machine.
the iMac will actually leave you with more space for your new desk. noticed in your sample photo that the Windoze cpu was using up space under your desk :p
Thank you all for your replies.
I have since received an email indicating that my order began shipping on the 12th July, which is 3 days sooner than I was initially given, so who know's, maybe it will show up 3 days sooner too, if it doesn't, well, I have the headaches of iPhone 3g and MobileMe to contend with until it arrives.

I'll be sure to update this thread if anything happens.

...order began shipping on the 12th July, which is 3 days sooner than I was initially given...

I ordered a 24" (admittedly the 2.8GHz version) on the same day as you and mine also shipped on the 12th.

My current delivery to Leeds is estimated to be the 22nd, when's yours?

I ordered a BTO system (500GB and wireless keyboard & mouse) with the free printer so my tracking details aren't available, which is more than a little annoying. Can you see your tracking details?

Anyway, I hope we both really enjoy our new setups! :cool:

Same system ordered here! 3.06GHz, 8800 GS, 500GB, and 4GB from Crucial. Even added on the 500GB Time Capsule. Awesome desk there too! As others have said to, this machine is a huge space saver so you'll have plenty of room for whatever else you want on that desk.

I ordered mine on the 12th and it looks to ship out anytime between today and Thursday not arrive until anytime between this Thursday and next Wednesday taking it to about a 10-12 day order process.

My AppleCare, free iPod touch and Time Capsule will all be here tomorrow as they shipped out yesterday. Too bad the iMac is a will ship in 1-3 days machine...

Enjoy your new toy!
I ordered a 24" (admittedly the 2.8GHz version) on the same day as you and mine also shipped on the 12th.

My current delivery to Leeds is estimated to be the 22nd, when's yours?

I ordered a BTO system (500GB and wireless keyboard & mouse) with the free printer so my tracking details aren't available, which is more than a little annoying. Can you see your tracking details?

Anyway, I hope we both really enjoy our new setups! :cool:


Hey Ben, my delivery estimate is also the 22nd, and also ordered the BTO 500GB with wireless keyboard & mouse with free (well half price, I got the Canon PIXMA MP610). Yes I can see my tracking details, but it isn't showing much detail. Hope yours arrives soon.

@rfruth, yes a surge protector is definitely in the budget :)
Hey guys and gals, just wanted to share my excitement of having finally made an order for an iMac...I've been waiting for this day for quite a while, and have been busily reading up as much as I can about Apple/Macs/OS X/Software for Mac/Peripherals for Mac....the list goes on, but with plenty more to read to keep me busy until it arrives.

I have ordered:

24" iMac 3.06ghz
2gb Memory
500 gb HDD
Geforce 8800gs card
Wireless KB
Wireless MM
Canon Pixma MP610 Mutli-function printer (with rebate)

I'm about to order a 4gb memory kit from for £59, and a possible purchase of a Timecapsule (still toying with the idea)

I am also ordering a new desk:


I recently purchased a dotmac account (soon to be MobileMe) and on friday will be buying a 16gb black iPhone 3G (if all goes well).

I'm a total windows convert much like alot of people I have seen posting at MR just lately (new trend?) and really question myself why I hadn't discovered/moved to Apple a long time ago.

Anyway, I will keep this thread up to date in regards to delivery etc, and once it arrives, I will post unboxing pics (do ppl still want to see these? I wont if you don't) and pics of my set up (again, if you want).
I'm sure I will come across problems (user problems, not hardware) but if I prep myself well, I'm hoping to solve them myself, if need be then I may have to ask for help.

I have been given an estimated shipping date of 15th July '09 and a delivery date of 23-24th July '09, which to me seems fairly reasonable.

I'll stop blabbering on now, and look forward to any comments/tips/advice/banter.


Hello! just wondering where you ordered that desk from. It's really nice!!!
Hello! just wondering where you ordered that desk from. It's really nice!!!

Hey there, not sure where you are located, but it can be ordered here in the UK from: (scroll down a little) (this is almost identical but with a slide out keyboard shelf)
Nice, I felt the same way about moving to macs. Before my imac, I was using a Dell laptop, and I grew to hate it, so I sold it on ebay and got this baby. :D
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Just a quick update.
TNT Tried to deliver my order yesterday (18th July) which is way ahead of schedule (by 1 week) and only 8 days after I ordered it, nice going. Unfortunately I was out all day, so it is rescheduled for Monday 20th July. This is great timing for me as I begin 3 weeks off work on that day.
The memory I ordered from crucial arrived already, and the glass desk should be with me next week too

Still debating on whether to get the Time Capsule.
*patiently waits for picture update* haha. :)

Just a quick update.......iMac arrived safely yesterday.
I took quite a few pics as I unboxed and during first start-up. I will post these ASAP, at the moment I can't get the pics off my camera as I can't find the usb lead for it (oops) but I'm hoping to get a card reader today.

As far as I can tell I don't have a single issue with the screen and my superdrive seems to be working great. I'm absolutely loving this machine, and OSX is awesome (but you all knew that already :p). Definitely will invest in a new mouse as right clicking is a pain to say the least, so if anybody has any recommendations I'd be appreciative.
For now I'm just getting myself accustomed to the operating system before I get into anything too deep.

I tried to set up my network HDD for use with time machine only to discover this is a no-go, so I guess that is the push for me to get the Time Capsule then.

If anyone has any input/questions I'm more than happy for that.

Have a great day people. :D
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