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macrumors 6502a
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For us experimental electronic musicians; long before the iPhone was out, some research students had made a touch sensitive table-top instrument that, when certain objects were placed on it, would react with sounds. Way back, when I used to work for M-Audio, I had contacted these guys to try and license the technology from them, but they politely (and smartly) said "No thanks." Man I wanted one so bad! They did build one for Bjork however which she used on tour...

Now, they have finally made an iPhone/iPad app version that essentially does the same thing (but with virtual objects of course!) I've been waiting for this since before the iPhone even existed! Here's a screenshot from my first session with it. You supposedly can upload your own sounds/samples as well, but I haven't figured that out yet.


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    637 KB · Views: 123
1 is a lonely number

Maybe not that many experimental electronic musicians here? I don't know. But on Facebook, it was my friend Richard Devine who had posted this, and within minutes there were a slew of us jumping for joy and responding and downloading the app (but he is connected to mostly these types of artists that would more appreciate this app I guess.)

Wish there was a way for the iPhone 4 to capture video of the screen like the way we can do photo/screen captures. These still shots just don't convey what the app can do and sound like unfortunately...


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Well, I guess this is the wrong forum for this... I thought there were more electronic musicians that would be interested in this lurking around here, but I guess not. In any case, I made a video of what this app does since I haven't been able to find one anywhere yet (at least not one of the actual use on an iPhone.) Unfortunately the video quality is really crappy as the only other video camera I have (besides the iPhone 4) is the previous generation iPod Nano, but at least it will give you an idea of what this does:

A little tricky to navigate on an iPhone; makes me so want an iPad now. As soon as I get an iPad, I'll post a much better, in depth video as this app has a lot of options to play with (Oscillators, Samplers, Loop players, Filters, Waveshapers, LFOs, Delays, Sequencers, etc.)
Damn I just spent my itunes money buying touchOSC :) but I have to try this app, always wanted a reactable :p
Damn I just spent my itunes money buying touchOSC :) but I have to try this app, always wanted a reactable :p

touchOSC is great as a controller for something like Ableton Live (video of me using touchOSC & Ableton Live) but I love that Reactable is its own self-contained synth system/ sequencer with a different way of interacting with sounds. On some other music forums (where people are actually excited about this app), a small minority of people don't get it; they either can't get any sound out of it (because they don't understand signal flow) or they think it's just a "toy" (not realizing the depth of which you can create, tweak and manipulate sounds.) But given some time and exploration with it, they will see the light!

That said, both touchOSC and Reactable are probably much better suited for a larger screen like the iPad... this is exactly the kind of stuff the iPad was made for!
Yeah, I really want an iPad now, but the ipod has to work :p also it fits me well because I use would just as like backing tracks, because I mainly play guitar... I'm planning a way to have mi iPod right in the guitar without damaging lol
I so want to buy this but my 2nd gen ipod wont stand it. ive read even 3g runs reactable mediocre. :(
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