iBank has a pretty feature full package for home or light business use. It doesn't do payroll or some advanced forecasting, but it is great for watching your balances, can pull data from your credit card (without having to store the account number/passcode directly) or your bank if they have the feature for electronic connections.
The iPhone app lets you enter expenses and apply a charge type for the amount to categorize your payments/income. The desktop application does the bulk of the work but you can enter/input and review most of the info on the phone.
I haven't seen any apps updated for the iPad, but they will likely come from the bigger/supported companies. For now, iBank works and from researching is an affordable and useful package (the desktop app is an additional cost).
We looked at several packages and iBank seemed to fit our needs for budgeting and watching your accounts. It doesn't do online stock updates or sophisticated connections but probably fits the average households needs quite well.