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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 18, 2010
Ok just read on the front page that an app 'find my iphone' is free, but does it require a full membership to mobileme?

im confused about it, what do i need to install/download, and what do i need to use on my computer to enable it to work? does it cost anything extra?
I think what the OP is getting to is where do you go login with your Apple ID to use this new free Find My iPhone service? You can't use it to login to the regular MobileMe website - they want you to pay for an account.
I think what the OP is getting to is where do you go login with your Apple ID to use this new free Find My iPhone service? You can't use it to login to the regular MobileMe website - they want you to pay for an account.

MacWorld said:
Once users upgrade their iPads, iPhones, or iPod touches to iOS 4.2, they can enable the feature by opening the Settings app, tapping on “Mail, Contacts, Calendars,” and then tapping Add Account. From the next menu, tap on MobileMe. The new MobileMe account prompt allows you to enter a MobileMe user name or your Apple ID—in other words, the same user name and password you use to buy media or apps via iTunes. There’s also an option to create an Apple ID right from within the app.

Have to wait for the new firmware first.
I'm running 4.2.1 on both my iPad and my iPhone 4 (it's the GM but early adopters reports that it has the same build number of the final version) but I wasn't able to log with my apple ID as shown on the apple website.
I'm running 4.2.1 on both my iPad and my iPhone 4 (it's the GM but early adopters reports that it has the same build number of the final version) but I wasn't able to log with my apple ID as shown on the apple website.

They probably need to press a button at Apple HQ before it goes live. Will probably work when it's officially released.
thanks for the replies guys, nice to see you fishmoose ;).

cant wait to get this running on my iphone, always afraid i will lose the thing!
Hehe I actually thought about getting MobileMe for this feature alone! Might still get it for calendar syncing.
I'm glad it's finally free as well. Hopefully it will deter people thinking about stealing other's iPhones. I'm not going to be able to upgrade right away though, because I don't want to lose my jailbreak.
Find My iPhone for any iOS device

You can get Find My iPhone free for any iOS device running 4.2.1. All you have to do is sign up with the service on any iPhone 4, iPad, or 4th generation iPod Touch that is also running 4.2.1.
So find a friend with one of these devices (with 4.2.1), or you can even go to your local Apple Store and do it there. Simply go into settings > mail, contacts, calendars > Add Account... > mobileme > then enter your apple id and password that you wish to sign up with.
Then it will prompt you to enable find my iPhone and then also it will say that your mail cannot by synced because the free account only comes with Find My iPhone. Once its done verifying, delete the account of the iOS device you just used so no one else can get it to. Then simply follow the same instructions above on your iOS device running 4.2.1, and it will work. Go to to see where it is.
Happy lost device finding...
Findmyiphone DISASTER for some!!!

I love Apple... I own a Macbook, I own an iphone 3GS, I have a MobileMe PAID subscription.

BUT I think its RUBBISH that Apple have engineered findmyiphone as free for people with new generation equipment (ipads and iphone4) BUT people like me can't use it !!

Why am I being penalised when I'm paying to belong to Mobile me!!

Come on Apple - get your act together!
Actually, if it has iOS 4.2 installed, you CAN enable the Find my iPhone function on an iPhone 3GS. All you have to do is borrow a friend's iPhone 4:

I did this myself on my 3GS and it works like a charm.

UPDATE : NO you do not have to borrow anyone's iphone4 or ipad!! If you already PAY for Mobileme, you can use your mobileme log in (not your apple ID) in order to set up findmyiphone for a 3GS on the latest Operating System.

I have just done it and now can track my iphone 3GS from my desktop. and sent it messages, tones and wipe it. Hurrah!
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