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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 22, 2009
Houston, TX
Can anyone disable FMiP once they get into Settings?
I thought it would have a PW protection, but no, just delete the account.

Sounds like I need to activate PW at all times.
Lock out Accounts in the Restrictions settings. Then it can't be disabled.

Exactly. You just need to enable Restrictions and disable "Account Changes" or whatever it's called. It shouldn't matter to you as you shouldn't be constantly changing your account settings - and people can't disable FMiP.
turning off the phone is an easy way to disable it.

the iPhone should require a password when turning off the phone.
Lock out Accounts in the Restrictions settings. Then it can't be disabled.

Exactly. You just need to enable Restrictions and disable "Account Changes" or whatever it's called. It shouldn't matter to you as you shouldn't be constantly changing your account settings - and people can't disable FMiP.

Yes, thanks!
many little details about iOS to discover/learn.
Even with that restriction on, it can still be disabled by turning off "Location Services".

It's not a well implemented feature IMO.

I think Apple should require that you enter the MobileMe/iCloud password to disable it. It'd hardly be an inconvenience and it would make the feature more reliable.
Then you disable changes to Location Services. Better yet, just setup a passcode for your device.

That's my preferred solution, if it would be lost/stolen I prefer someone else have access to none of the info in it!
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