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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2018
Dearborn, MI

I purchased a used Mac Mini off eBay in 2014, but didn't fully appreciate the fact that the previous owner still had an iCloud account attached to it. All of a sudden the Mac Mini has been locked out with a message to call a Chicago area phone number. I called that number but the person at the other end told me I had the wrong number. Is this Mac Mini a paper weight now?



macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011

I purchased a used Mac Mini off eBay in 2014, but didn't fully appreciate the fact that the previous owner still had an iCloud account attached to it. All of a sudden the Mac Mini has been locked out with a message to call a Chicago area phone number. I called that number but the person at the other end told me I had the wrong number. Is this Mac Mini a paper weight now?

Apple can remove the iCloud lock but only if you have the original purchase order. I would recommend contacting the seller to get the proof of purchase and then take it into an Apple Store.

Unless you are able to get that information, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
There are ebay sellers who purportedly can offer a solution to this.
I have no experience with them, but they are there.
I have no idea whether the services they offer actually work, but again, they are there.
That might be your only recourse at this point.
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