Do you want to have a female or a male baby?
Do you want to know what baby you or your friends are bearing a boy or a girl?
Were representing uBaby application which will allow you easily and clearly choose the required date of conception or predict the sex of your future baby.
To make this calculation you just have to enter the dates of birth of the future parents. And if you enter the dates of birth of the future grandparents the calculation will be more accurate.
This application is based on some calculation techniques checked in practice and having confirmation!
Wed like you to pay attention to the fact that very many different biological factors can influence on the sex of the future baby thats why any method of prediction including this application does not give 100% of guarantee.
This application is not an alternative to traditional medical tests and procedures on predicting sex of the future baby.
May you have healthy babies!
Appstore link
Yes, this app is a little bit expensive, but it contains unique algorithms and they are making this price.
Do you want to know what baby you or your friends are bearing a boy or a girl?
Were representing uBaby application which will allow you easily and clearly choose the required date of conception or predict the sex of your future baby.
To make this calculation you just have to enter the dates of birth of the future parents. And if you enter the dates of birth of the future grandparents the calculation will be more accurate.
This application is based on some calculation techniques checked in practice and having confirmation!
Wed like you to pay attention to the fact that very many different biological factors can influence on the sex of the future baby thats why any method of prediction including this application does not give 100% of guarantee.
This application is not an alternative to traditional medical tests and procedures on predicting sex of the future baby.
May you have healthy babies!
Appstore link
Yes, this app is a little bit expensive, but it contains unique algorithms and they are making this price.