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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 22, 2009
I saw a thread stating 3.1 jailbreak with redsn0w so I quickly upgraded before I found out it lied to me.

Here is how I found my ECID after the upgrade. I am running WIN-XP-PRO and use a iPhone 3GS. I ran regedit to open the registry. At the top I highlighted "My Computer". Clicked edit then find and searched for ECID. the first thing it found was the listings for ipsecid. scroll past that list and start your search again from there. Should take you to the following string or similar:


You need the 16 charictures after ECID starting with the 000............

Now you can send it on purplera1n once the site is fixed.

Hope this helps.
If this works then thats genius! I've actually found refs for two different ECIDs (and they appear many times in the registry): one I assume is my old 3G. Any way of telling which is which? Also, whats the deal with purplera1n?
not sure, but i think that that number should have been sent to apple server to obtain a sign for your phone's firmware(at the time, the 3/3.0.1).
that sign could be usefull for the jb of new firmware.

now apple server will reply to our request only with sign for 3.1, that is not usable for jb.
The ECID is pretty useless in and of itself. It was really only useful while it could be used to generate the signed iBSS and iBEC files, which can no longer be generated.
The ECID is pretty useless in and of itself. It was really only useful while it could be used to generate the signed iBSS and iBEC files, which can no longer be generated.

I second that, useless. 3.1 has already been exploited and we won't need any certificates or ECIDs to jailbreak it. ;)
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