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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 14, 2021
Bear with me guys, but is there an efficient and reliable way to do this?

I got two master folders, same name, same subfolder structure. They have many of the same files (thousands) but there is some discrepancies, some files missing. Versions of the files is not an issue. I just want the two master folders merged and the missing files copied over creating a complete library.

In Windows its just a matter of selecting all the files and folders one of the master folders ctrl + c/x, jump to the other folder, ctrl + v. Dialogue box will pop up letting you merge, and skip files that have the same name. Easy peachy.

MacOS? command + c to copy, option + command + v just gives option to skip or replace. No merge. Is there even a keyboard shortcut that will allow you to chose merge? I can't find any through Google or through wildly hammering the keyboard with every combination I can think of.

Dragging while holding the option-key does give one the choice to merge, however the merge logic is absolutely retarded and does some weird stuff.

I tend to do keyboard shortcuts and switch between maximized windows, not loads of small floating windows that disappears to f knows where behind something else. Also, there's no proper three structure in Finder like in Windows Explorer anyway, unless you think of the absolutely bonkers horrendous expanded-view save dialogue in MacOs.

I've been using Macs daily for almost a year now, but I still cannot for the life of me understand how "the user friendly" and "simple" OS have such a completely useless file explorer and management interface. I would rather roll in poo than have to do complex file copying and management in MacOs, its just complete pain. If I ever meet the designer of Finder, I will literally punch him and go turn myself to the cops with a smile on my face ?


Jul 31, 2016
Just drag the files from one folder to another and select "Skip" (or whatever it's called). Works for me at least.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 14, 2021
Just drag the files from one folder to another and select "Skip" (or whatever it's called). Works for me at least.
Skip will just completely skip at folder level, it does not seem to look inside them for files. If you have a deep structure this obviously does not work.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Sometimes one just has to do things manually, taking the time required to "sort everything out".
It would help to keep some written notes.
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