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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 9, 2018
I don't understand what Apple is doing in its recent updates to both MacOS and iOS. The previous view showed previews on top, and a list view on the bottom where I could change the sort order and knew what was going on. Now it's a mystery. It's certainly not intuitive any more. I don't get it. It seems that Apple has taken a page from Microsoft's book of change changing things for the sake of changing things. This is a step backwards.

I happily welcome anyone who can point out the benefits as this would restore my faith in this once amazing company. Please prove me wrong.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2011

Presumably the point of Gallery View is for browsing a folder based on its contents' previews, like a folder full of images – it's great for that. I prefer it to Cover Flow because it shows full-colour images using more of the available space without any of the glitz, clutter and processing overhead of all that 3D rendering.

If you want a list you can sort based on parameters with a preview of the selected file visible, why wouldn't you just use List View (View > As List) with the Preview pane visible (View > Show Preview)?
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