It is an application I wrote so it is up to date.what is the symptom that makes you conclude that "Finder is out of sync"?
You are running Big Sur. Are you currently updated (macOS 11.6 or 11.6.1)?
I see that you posted about this a couple of months ago.
Is it still the same issue?
What app are you using to move files on your Mac?
Is it possible that there is an update for that app?
Thanks for the advise but that should not be needed. If I reboot the machine or relaunch Finder they appear. I have been a software developer for 35 years and this behaviour is unacceptable. It is not a file permission or ownership issue.Do they appear if you switch to another folder and and go back. Else try shift+cmd+"." to show hidden files.
You should have stated that in the first post. Is it really nessasary to relaunch Finder. Will it not update, if you switch to another folder and back.Thanks for the advise but that should not be needed. If I reboot the machine or relaunch Finder they appear. I have been a software developer for 35 years and this behaviour is unacceptable. It is not a file permission or ownership issue.
tell application "Finder"
tell front window
update every item with necessity
end tell
end tell