Ok, here is something I cannot figure out. I type forward slash "/" in the Go to Folder field and it simply backspace deletes it. I have to paste my path in.
Example: /Library/ becomes /Library before I can continue.
I can type the first forward slash, second one vanishes.
I can "cheat" it by typing two slashes and deleting the first one: /Users//Gene for example.
I try another account, same thing.
What is going on?
MBP 2012/OSX10.12.4
Example: /Library/ becomes /Library before I can continue.
I can type the first forward slash, second one vanishes.
I can "cheat" it by typing two slashes and deleting the first one: /Users//Gene for example.
I try another account, same thing.
What is going on?
MBP 2012/OSX10.12.4
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