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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 10, 2020
I have the impression that Finder in Catalina is less stable that what it was with previous OS.
I'm having some tedious issues but all them seem to have Finder in common.

Some examples:

- Finder / Network, looking for 2 different machines (Imac + Imac + MacBookPro 16"), all connected to the same WI-FI (under the same submask and class).
I have 3 different wi-fi available: 2 from Netgear router (2,4 and 5 Ghz), the other one coming from a mash system (Tenda).
If I play around and switch (for several reasons) from one WI-FI to the other Finder is not able to show any machine on the same network.
Needless to say, the network is changed in every machine to maintain the same conditions as above.
The "Eject" button beside each connected machine disappears. If you click on "Log in as", it doesn't work (You can click but nothing happens).
Wi-FI is working on each Mac and they all can surf the web for instance. Only intranet (AFP, SMB) seems affected.

I got in touch with some Senior Apple care advisors and they suggested several things:
- Remove all sharings, restart and setup again. This worked for some time, then same result.
It seems that only the restart (of both machines) could solve the issue.

This issue was not happening if all Macs were connected via ethernet card (no wi-fi).

Only after several trials and headaches (the new MacBook pro 16 has no Ethernet card) I found out that If you ONLY force the restart of FINDER, you solve the issue.
All wi-fi network connections, everything intranet related things, start working again very fast and responsive.

If you then change the wi-fi settings again (change IP, change DHCP settings, whatever), this issue is coming out again.
If you force the restart of Finder (Hold down the SHIFT key and open the Apple menu ---> Select Force Quit Finder = Finder will relaunch).
Again the finder then.

Perhaps there are some hidden procedures which are stuck under the finder and get triggered by the Finder (re)-start, sort of "update" of something. I don't know.

What I know is:

- This wi-fi network discovery of other Mac was working great before Catalina (the MBP 16" is brand new and came with Catalina without any upgrades).
- This defect can be seen on 4 Machines (right now I cannot have others ...).
- This is happening both at home and at the office (completely different networks and configurations).
- DNS and Gateway are pointing straight to the Router (no internal firewalls or proxy).

In addition to this, I'm still fighting to remove the Software Update red number, always present even if there are no updates apparently.
Tried all terminal commands to conceal updates, reset and kill the docs. Nothing working permanently.

Has somebody seen the same issues on Finder ?

Thanks for your opinion

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