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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2014
Basic request but I'm using a 5k Retina iMac and I would like to use Finder in 'list view' but have the icons larger then the two options the Apple gives you(per below to the right). The largest the icon can go looks to be about 48 x 48(it doesn't say). I'd like to mimic the size the the icon view gives you. Nothing crazy but 72 x 72 would be perfect(per below left).

I'm on Sierra btw.
Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 5.06.11 PM.png


macrumors 68000
Nov 27, 2013
I can appreciate the utility of such. As I am always intent upon reading the text in said View mode, and my eyes never travel to to the stub-icons...I keep them tiny to maximise the List volume.

There are only the two options (12x12, and 24x24, IIRC) in List View.

Regards, splifingate


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2014
Damn. Oh well. I was secretly hoping someone was going to surprise me and say they added it in High Sierra. It would be huge benefit in list or column modes.


macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
I keep a magnifying glass on my desk...
My grandpa had a large one on a stand that covered his entire TV screen.
Just sayin'


macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
There is no reason to use a magnifying glass. Screen zoom is an excellent trick. Look for it in System Preferences > Accessibility. I use it a lot. By default, I just hold the control key down and scroll to zoom in and out.
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macrumors 68000
Nov 27, 2013
Damn. Oh well. I was secretly hoping someone was going to surprise me and say they added it in High Sierra. It would be huge benefit in list or column modes.

That there are multiple View modes implies specific intent, and allows one the (almost) instantaneous flexibility to switch-between . . . on my 4K Dells, I can get three-columns of 4"x6" and 1 3/4 Rows of image previews at the maximum View level (per the Slider).

I prefer 4 Columns (with two Rows), personally, when I switch to Icon Mode.

Mostly, I rely upon List View, as I am specifically-intent on viewing the text-of-the-matter.

One day, we will not have 'modes' (assets will be fully-, and fluidly-interactive), and things will even-out :)

Regards, splifingate
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