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Filip Langenbick

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 15, 2017

I have this particular problem with my Finder.
Each time I log IN again the Finder had reset, in other words it does not save the changes I make.

For exemple:
I add a app to the dock, next time in log IN it will be disappeared.
I change the dock to the left side of my screen, next time I log IN, it will be at the botton again.
In the trackpad preferences I change Tap to Click, I log In and I will have to set the preferences again.
It's rather enjoying.

I have another log IN on my mac and there I do not have this problem.

I already tried to delete:
and restarted Finder

but it didn't solve the problem.

Does anyone has any idea how to fix the error?
I would like to avoid to recreate a new user, because the transfer of mail, Calender, Notes is a bit annoying.

Thanks for helping me,
Filip Langenbick
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