Yes I'm aware of Unsanity's haxie.
So then when will this be?Dec. 31
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:12:22 -0500
From: Dan Buchan
Subject: the return of Finder labels?
I'm not sure if anyone's pointed this out or not, but in the latest beta of the AppleScript Script Editor, if you choose "Open Dictionary..." under the File menu and choose the OS X Finder, then scroll to the very bottom where it says "Type Definitions" and click on Classes, you will see listed:
Class label: (NOT AVAILABLE YET) A Finder label (name and color)
name Unicode text -- the name associated with the label
index integer -- the index in the front-to-back ordering within its container
color RGB color -- the color associated with the label
So perhaps Apple is, little by little, restoring features to the OS X Finder that folks were used to in the old OS 9 incarnation?
Yes I'm aware of Unsanity's haxie.