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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 26, 2003
Does anyone else experience slowness with creating desktop items via drag-and-drop? It's been like this for the last couple years and it's still an annoyance. I'm wondering if it's just me and some software I have installed or does the Finder really have issues with drag and drop?

Here's a video showing an example of what I'm talking about. I'm dragging a link from an older MacRumors discussion (about slow desktop refreshes, btw) and this is typical. This happens when dragging links to the desktop, text as clippings, images from browser windows, etc. It's always slow and choppy. I recall a few versions back in Mac OS where this was smooth and fast. Hasn't been that way in ages for me.

Here's the video:

FWIW, here's the discussion about slow desktop issues. None of those things mentioned have ever fixed this.
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