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macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 6, 2006
This may sound really dumb, but I am lost on this one...

I have a MacBook and an iMac, both running 10.4.7, connected wireless through a Linksys ADSL Modem/Router.

iTunes on my MB finds the shared iTunes library attached to my iMac just fine, and plays from it fine, even to the AirTunes Airport Express.

What I can't do is find my iMac itself to get files from the shared directed on it. I have Personal File Sharing enabled under Services and Firewall.

I have tried everthing I can think of to access it from the CTRL-K windown, but would like it to just show up on my Finder under network, no? Anyway, there is also nothing there.

Help me oh Mac wizards and Demi-Gods?
You might try go>connect to server> afp://IP# of the iMac

If that doesn't work go into the iMac and open system preferences and make sure it has personal file sharing turned on then click on the sharing tab>advanced and make sure "enable stealth mode" isn't selected.
Fantastic. That got me there. Am I compromising my security at all doing this? I connected via IP.

Now clearly I don't understand what the shared folders are for, because I can't find them from my MB. Are shared folders only for withing a particular users account on the local machine? I have the rights set as READ by all, but can't find this folder remotely. When I log in as a users, I see that user's docs, but when I go in as a guest, all I see is the drop box.

I really look forward to not being so inept with OS X one day. Thanks to all for their help!
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