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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 3, 2003
i've recently noticed that when i use reduce all windows expose, once in a while, there's a small blank window that shows up. (only when exposed, there no "real" such window.) i thought it was adium, but i think i narrowed down the culprit to firefox.

anyone else seeing this?

if it's occuring elsewhere, i guess i'll email the firefox team...
I see this too. Not sure what it is, but I ca only suppose that it's an offscreen window they are using for something...
Where have you been since Panther was launched? :D There must be another 10 threads on this.

It's the nature of Mozilla browsers, except Camino, which doesn't use the theme engine.
Yep, there have definitely been a bunch of threads on this before. You are right, the culprit is FireFox, and the presence of this window is normal behavior.
bousozoku said:
Where have you been since Panther was launched? :D There must be another 10 threads on this.

It's the nature of Mozilla browsers, except Camino, which doesn't use the theme engine.

ha ha, i haven't used anything but safari since switching to Mac, so i had no idea. (i recently started using firefox only because at work, i have Jag and Gmail requires latest safari, which isn't available for Jag.)

thanks for the clarification
I see it working from time to time, probably because someone's web page is in debug mode. Still, it might as well be doing something rather than sitting there empty for so long.
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