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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 6, 2012
Looks like Mozilla is having trouble with folks seeing their extensions running on Firefox just being disabled saying they could not be verified. New versions could not be downloaded with Mozilla's site saying downloading failed etc..

Appears to be spreading.

Had this happen on my Mac version. Ugh, the horror without extensions. Using Vivaldi in the mean time where my extensions work.
Yes I have this issue also. All of my extensions have been disabled and I can’t install any new extensions of any kind. I’m hoping they fix this soon.
Hoping they fix it fast too - if it requires a new release though.... Bug tracked below, seems to be a certificate they may have let expire (9pm Friday Night Eastern Standard Time) - changing clock after the fact may help saw some folks saying resetting it a ago helped. There's an old saying in IT about not changing / add new stuff or letting stuff need refreshing on Fridays (or weekends for that matter).

This is definitely not what Mozilla needs. Although it’s my daily driver I’m just going to wait till they get a fix in place.
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Don't have this issue. I don't use mainstream Firefox and added the flag to install unsigned extensions long ago.
[doublepost=1556939453][/doublepost]People are losing their **** yet they seem to forget Google, Microsoft, Amazon, et al. regularly have several hour long outages that affect far more important services.
The temporary fix (there is one now) is to go into your Firefox Preferences / Privacy & Security / Scroll down to Firefox Data Collection and Use:

Then enable:
  • Allow Firefox to send technical and interaction data to Mozilla
  • Allow Firefox to install and run studies
This enabled my plugins in the time it took to type this.

Please remember to disable both or at least the studies thing after we get a new update installed that fixes this (unless you want the studies thing, there was a prior issue with Mozilla doing something irresponsible (Google / Facebook like - they delivered Mr. Robot advertising as their first big "Study" which promptly blew up in their faces so I had it disabled). You'll be forgiven if you have slight suspicions this is just a program to get more users signed on for studies. ;-)

A new update with a certificate that hasn't time bombed (yet) will be coming as soon as they can get one out. What a mess, but at least there's a get by.

Maybe the ever continuing Mozilla time bomb of existing installed plugins isn't such a great design approach for an open source browser?
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that's kind of why I like Firefox - never had to do that :(

I have not had these problems "yet" - am on version 66.0.3

Seemed like there were some plugins that were okay and got through the mass expiration (guess that didn't work) so maybe you have those or you might want to check and see if Studies is already enabled - just so you know.

I'm just leaving mine enabled till the next update and disabling it.
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I only have 4 plug ins - maybe that is why?

I did have a major issue a while ago with "Youtube Downloader" - it would kick my fan on and raise temperature up to 90 degrees - soon as it was gone - all was good - back down to less than 50 degrees - always

not sure if this is related - just adding to the thread

FWIW - replaced it with Downie and all is good
Happened to me yesterday - my add blocking and facebook fencing stopped working. I did the install studies thing and then able to run stuff again.
I had forgotten how bad the ads on sites are and have gotten - thank goodness for ad blocks
From the Mozilla blog on this: once your plugins are re-enabled then you can turn off the Studies option at that point.

Mozilla is also pushing a new version of the browser for those that haven't already fixed it with the Studies option (some Linux versions and the Android version require a new version, which is now being pushed out).

Happened to me yesterday - my add blocking and facebook fencing stopped working. I did the install studies thing and then able to run stuff again.
I had forgotten how bad the ads on sites are and have gotten - thank goodness for ad blocks

I know, my eyes were scalded when it happened. ;-)
From the Mozilla blog on this: once your plugins are re-enabled then you can turn off the Studies option at that point.

Mozilla is also pushing a new version of the browser for those that haven't already fixed it with the Studies option (some Linux versions and the Android version require a new version, which is now being pushed out).

I turned on the studies (just in case) and also maybe it helps them? - maybe that is something to do to help them for making a free browser - that I like very much.
Firefox has an update to 66.0.4 today, which magically fixes the problem.
I had no idea how much I liked ad blockers, until I went without.

If you've uninstalled your extensions, you'll have to reinstall after the update.
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