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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 15, 2003
after a little over a week of getting aquaitned with my new, beloved PowerBook 17", I am setting up Firevault so my parents can do taxes on it. I figured while i was at it, i might as well set it up on all four accounts on this computer.

however, after setting it up on my acount (comp. admin), the button was in a gray-state (frozen-like) where it says "Turn On Firevault..." it looks the same on my dad's, moms, and guest account. is there any way, or is it just for ONE account?

also, does firevault in any way slow down the performance of the machine?
You should be able to enable File Vault on all acounts. I don't have anything greyed out on my computers.

I haven't noticed any slowdown on my 700mhz iBook w/ 256 RAM or on my mom's 333 iMac with 288MB.
firevault should be applicable on all acounts, maybe you have to enable them from their accouts. but i think it should be doable with the admin.

Do you really want to enable it tho on all accounts, why dont u create a "tax" user and just firevault that, because if firevault does hit anohter glitch you could be saying goodbye to all the work ur parents and you have done...not just your taxes.

its a remote possibility but something to consider
Originally posted by virividox
if firevault does hit anohter glitch you could be saying goodbye to all the work ur parents and you have done...not just your taxes.

I didn't lose any data because of it, but I found I can't capture video for iMovie on my FileVault enabled account. I imagine the capturing and encrypting was too much (on a 700mhz iBook) and after 2 seconds it stopped. The solution is easy--create a new account without FileVault.
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