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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 13, 2009
Hi All,
I recently retored my iphone 3 g and Itunes downloaded an update before it would let me restore. After the restore I tried to jailbreak again and I get "firmware error string" in quickpwn. This is the firmware bundle I have: iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw. I think the update screwed things up - can I restore to a firmware version that will allow me to jailbreak? Do I need to SSH to do this?
Thanks in Advance
So, you're on the new 2.2.1 firmware? If so, there are no jailbreaks for this at the moment, and it's got an updated baseband. So that means, yellowsn0w wont work.

You will have to wait until the Dev Team release a JB for 2.2.1, or downgrade. Until then, no JB :(
I'm pretty sure there are ways to downgrade, but it involves PwnageTool... I think. sorry, I've never downgraded and don't think I will, so I'm not sure how exactly... :p

Edit: You can't downgrade your baseband though, I believe.
Aha. Thanks all. LOL - anybody hear anything about when they will have the new one cracked?
Aha. Thanks all. LOL - anybody hear anything about when they will have the new one cracked?

Dude, they have lives too. :) 2.2.1 just came out yesterday, be patient. I would say at least a few days to a week or so. :)
Dude what am I supposed to do while I'm supposed to be working now that I cant tweak my phone?:mad:
can i still use quickpwn for jailbreaking if i have att? sorry if its a stupid question.


They don't do this because you would be pissed if they won't be able to do it until then. An ETA doesn't bring you anything. You KNOW that they are working on it!

Not really, I'm sure they said somewhere that they no longer give ETAs because they gave one for yellowsn0w, and they were pushed to get it released, spending a lot of their spare time doing it. This also ended up in them releasing it before it was ready.
Not really, I'm sure they said somewhere that they no longer give ETAs because they gave one for yellowsn0w, and they were pushed to get it released, spending a lot of their spare time doing it. This also ended up in them releasing it before it was ready.

In the end it is exactly the same. The give you an ETA. Then you want it on that exact date and they want to release it by then. Then there are three options:

1) they have spare time, getting it really ready on that time (so the ETA was too far away)
2) they have to spend a lot of their spare time doing it and that's probably not what they like
3) they don't get it right on the date, and a lot of people are unhappy because they were so looking forward to the release.

Sure, they could tell you "about a week" but in the end, they don't owe anybody anything.
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