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macrumors 604
Original poster
Got my EF 70-200 f/4L the other night, and finally got out for a first practice with it (on a 350D/XT body). I spent a couple hours at Thunderbird Park in Glendale (AZ) this morning from about a half-hour after sunrise on.

The least bandwidth-wasting of them can be seen at For those of you that haven't used dot mac Web Gallery before, you can view the shot parameters by clicking the italic "i" when viewing individual shots.

Only a few were with tripod, which I dumped after a short bit. All the shots save two are completely untouched and as shot. One (082) had a minor crop, and another (041) had the color balance adjusted slightly, more for practice/experimentation than anything.

I appreciate the time anybody spends giving me productive feedback, and as should be obvious, I haven't had any training or mentoring. I just like nice photos to look at.


macrumors 604
Jun 27, 2006
Seattle, WA
I got the same lens a couple weeks ago, great lens. As for your images, some of them are a bit crowded, like you're trying to fit too much in the image (like this one), although there are some nice ones like this one would be pretty cool after a bit of saturation.


macrumors 604
Original poster
I got the same lens a couple weeks ago, great lens. As for your images, some of them are a bit crowded, like you're trying to fit too much in the image (like this one), although there are some nice ones like this one would be pretty cool after a bit of saturation.

I know what you're saying. I don't know what part of SoCal you're in, or how familiar you are with this area, but the opportunities for nature shots (at least at this locale) are pretty limited to either dense thickets, or broad homogeneous landscapes, unless I wanted to get picnic benches and hikers. I think the dense stuff was the more interesting of the two choices. Lesser of two evils?

I think I'm gonna head downtown this week and do some cityscape stuff. Learn where my "eye" is.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Got my EF 70-200 f/4L the other night, and finally got out for a first practice with it (on a 350D/XT body). I spent a couple hours at Thunderbird Park in Glendale (AZ)

I looked at these earlier but I wanted to see them on a calibrated monitor before I commented....

It seems your exposure meter is spot on. They are all well exposed

I am also very impressed with the way your lens renders out of focus background objects. They are very smooth. So much so you would not think it was a zoom lens.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I don't know what part of SoCal you're in, or how familiar you are with this area, but the opportunities for nature shots (at least at this locale) are pretty limited

So Cal is right on the beach. Coastlines are always scenic. And with some effort there is a whole "other world" under the ocean waiting to be photographed.
The undersea life here in So Cal is dense with interesting animals just feet apart from each other.

It's a bit like shooting in a rain forest, so much there you can't deside and close enough that travel is not an issue
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