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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 26, 2009
Got my iPhone 7 (matte black 128gb on AT&T) on launch day and for the first three days plugged it in at various points during the day just out of habit (came from an iPhone 5s). Today I made sure I didn't plug it in and here are the stats.

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Total Time: 14 hours 20 minutes
Usage Time: 8 hours 11 minutes

Some notes:
  • Pulled it off the charger around 6:20am, it died around 8:45pm.
  • Was on Night Shift from 6:20am until 8:00am
  • Switched to Low Power Mode when it hit 20%
  • Used auto-brightness all day
  • Spent most of the day at home
I'm pretty impressed, especially coming from an iPhone 5s.
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