My battery life on my iPad has been horrid through the entire beta, but last night on the latest beta I lost 40% over 1.5 hours. The main battery sucker was Safari at 45%. I did use Safari more than the other apps (Tweetbot was the second at 27%). I am wondering if either the battery life is just horrid, or the new desktop-class Safari is using more battery, or 1Blocker needs an upgrade. About half-way through the 13.x cycle I did a reset all settings which I don’t remember making a big difference.
Anyone else having bad battery life? I think when 13.1 comes out the 30th I am going to just do a clean install and see if that fixes it.
Anyone else having bad battery life? I think when 13.1 comes out the 30th I am going to just do a clean install and see if that fixes it.