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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 17, 2008
My battery life on my iPad has been horrid through the entire beta, but last night on the latest beta I lost 40% over 1.5 hours. The main battery sucker was Safari at 45%. I did use Safari more than the other apps (Tweetbot was the second at 27%). I am wondering if either the battery life is just horrid, or the new desktop-class Safari is using more battery, or 1Blocker needs an upgrade. About half-way through the 13.x cycle I did a reset all settings which I don’t remember making a big difference.

Anyone else having bad battery life? I think when 13.1 comes out the 30th I am going to just do a clean install and see if that fixes it.
Just give it a day or two on the latest beta, once all the "indexing" and stuff is done battery life should be much better (some even reported it's better than 12.4.1). I can't say for now as I have installed the latest 13.1 beta a few hours back.
Well, the battery life has been a constant problem for me since June, so I am not sure that indexing is going to help that much. Even today in a meeting I went from 97% to 87% in 20 minutes.
Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 12.20.19 PM.png

I ran coconut battery. Unless there is a bug on how iOS 13 is reporting info, it looks like the problem is more with my battery than iOS13.

Edit, it jumped back up to 70% of design capacity.
That's worrisome! I have the same 12.9 First Gen Pro.
I HAVE seen the battery life diminish in mine in the past year, year and 1/2. I get is almost a 4 year old device, battery life-capacity on mine dropped I'm sure. Eh.
I went to Apple. There was a slight discrepancy between Apple’s tests and Cocunut Battery. Apple showed it at 87% health; Coconut 53%. SO, it didn’t qualify for the $99 replacement.

It makes me think my issues are something in the OS. Even last night I blew through 30% over an hour. I turned off Screen Time to see if it makes a difference. I might do a erase everything and set up as a new device.
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I did the 13.1 update, yeah the battery is taking a hit as of last night. HOPING it was still "indexing" (or whatever it does??!), Just using it for 25-30 min drained the battery down to 86%, which is actually awful compared to before! We'll see, but I'm not feeling optimistic. I have the coconut app also, I havent tried a test yet on it.

- iPhone XS Max on 13.1 - also has some faster battery drain as of last night. Apple Watch 4, same thing (right now the watch is draining faster on OS6 compared to Monday on old OS at 9:30am) ugh.
Battery life today with Screen Time off seems a little better. I haven't been using it as much as I was last night since I am at work, but every few minutes i reach over and use it. After about 2 hours I am down about 30%. That is a little more tolerable/
A quick update.

I noticed yesterday the battery % on iPADos was suspect. My desk charger isn't a fast charger, and is more for phones. However, I noticed that it was charging at fast charging speeds. Also if I rebooted the device, the battery % would change. Keeping screen time off, the battery life was better. I went to a meeting and used the iPad to take notes. Battery drain was acceptable, and close to what I expect from normal.

When I went back to my desk, I noticed the battery was charging at its usual slow rate. When I used it last night before bed, the battery life was still back in acceptable.

At this point, I think the Screen Time was a large factor.
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