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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 5, 2007
State of Denial
Okay I don't want this to become a FS or feeler as its in the wrong place for that. I just want some general info, thoughts and opinions.

I'm toying with the idea of parting with one of my Apple Tv's and adding one of the new ones.

I hate the idea of being without one for another month or so, but if the market supports a higher price now then maybe I should?

Second random thought. Do the original boxes command a premium over the newer "leopard" style box?
I have owned mine since release and will not part with it.

But, since you have two my advice would be to sell one and keep the other.

Use the money from the sale (maybe between $100 and $125 depending on size) and buy the new one when it comes out. Now would be a perfect time for that.

As for years from now, the first gen Apple TV being an "antique" type find for someone that is worth a pretty penny...not too sure about that. What's nice about your situation is that you'd be keeping the one around.
I've kinda been thinking the same thing. Part with the 40 now and Ill use my mini for the time being and keep the 160 for the kids TV.

Decisions, decisions.
I just sold a couple of 40GB ATVs on eBay for close to $100 each.. I am perfectly happy with that, as now the purchase of the new ones (I ordered 3!) is mostly funded by the sale of old.

I seriously doubt the old ATV's will increase in value as time goes on.. As people realize the cool new capabilities of the new ATVs (NetFlix, AirPlay) - the value of the "legacy" ATVs will plummet even further.

For now, I am without any ATV's and "making do" with a WDTV HD streamer.. Just need to put up with its horrendous UI until the new ATV's arrive :)
wow, 100 bucks for a 40gig? i better list mine soon. i didnt realized people still wanted these things
I dunno.

When the iPod Hi-Fi was discontinued, there were a lot on clearance; I purchased mine from target for $175 and at the time, the resale on them wasn't so good (around $125 used, 200 new).

So I kept it for a while.

2 years later, I sold it for ~$380 on ebay (and while it was in mint shape, I DID use it). What happened was it was unique, expensive, and people wanted to buy it.
Well, the catch is that the old Apple TV needs to have something of value that the new ones don't (with the Hi-Fi, there wasn't a replacement).

It has onboard storage, and there will probably still be hacking going on for another couple of years. :)
I totally kick myself when I think back to the Hi-Fi days. I saw the same thing at Target when they were blowing them out and just didn't have a use for them.
The original Apple TV has already depreciated in value. Expect it to continue to depreciate in value.
I have seen some completed auctions on ebay for the 160GB New go for around $200!? This makes little sense as you can still get them on clearance from and best buy for $150. I guess there are people who don't realize or look around before they purchase.
I've kinda been thinking the same thing. Part with the 40 now and Ill use my mini for the time being and keep the 160 for the kids TV.

Decisions, decisions.

This is exactly my thoughts...however, all depends on the network streaming...if it works as poorly as my current ATV...i'll need to keep syncing...

won't be buying one until the reviews are out.

Also though about keeping the 40 and and eventually kicking up the HD to something respectable.
Hmm I just purchased a refurbed 1st gen from apple with a 160 gb hdd for $125.

I don't get the current apple tv as it only streams and can't store anything. No thanks. I like having a library on tap at any time.
I'm still keeping mine. I have atvflash installed on it. Maybe if they get it work on the new appletv, I'll consider it.

Same here. ATV Flash has extended the life of my 1st gen Apple TV for a little while longer. It's reasonably priced, a piece of cake to install, and gives extra functionality. No need to get rid of it just yet.
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