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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Seattle, WA
So here is the low down. I'm going to post the whole story, so please bear with me here, I need help.

I just bought my friends iphone. He has cingular, I have tmobile. He upgraded to the firmware 2.0.1. So, when I got it, I downgraded to 2.0 and (I am a windows user) used winpwn to unlock it. When I started the unlock, winpwn was working fine, but it wouldn't create the custom restore file. So, I found a file that someone had uploaded and used that. What seemed like forever, my iphone was unlocked. But when it tried to connect to itunes, it had an error message (i cant remember what it was but the code was something like 'x1600').

I was so happy, I didn't care, the phone works flawlessly, internet, maps, stocks, and weather. But now, when I connect my phone to itunes, it opens it with 'set up your iphone'. Here it lets me rename it, and check or uncheck the box for 'automatically sync contacts, calendars, etc.' But, for some odd reason, it cut off a portion of the screen, i'm assuming it should have a button that says sync, but from this screen, i can't do anything. No music, movies, anything. The phone still works. Its running 2.0 firmware on tmobile.

PLEASE, any help would be SO much appreciated.

Thank you,

I'm trying that right now. I posted my problem in two other forums, and you were the only one who gave me good advice. Lets hope it works!

Again, thank you for the help.
sadly, it didn't work. I restarted after uninstalling and then again after reinstalling. I have a screen shot of what itunes looks like. It has a scroll bar for up and down, but none for left and right. I have an attachment, but idk if it will show or not, im kinda new to this site


  • untitled1.JPG
    65.6 KB · Views: 72
Have you tried changing your screen resolution?

Because something liek this happened with me before and I just right clicked on the desktop then went to properties > settings, then made my screen resolution higher. It's the only thing I can think of, sorry if you already tried that :rolleyes:.
Have you tried changing your screen resolution?

Because something liek this happened with me before and I just right clicked on the desktop then went to properties > settings, then made my screen resolution higher. It's the only thing I can think of, sorry if you already tried that :rolleyes:.

yeah, try that. idk why but i just can't think of what the problem is? :confused:
I think you should try to do the WHOLE unlocking process on your computer. This would include making your own ipsw file. Uninstall iTunes, download and install CCleaner, run the registry cleaner in CCleaner, reinstall iTunes, start the Winpwn process (as detailed on iclarified).
I love you all

I love you all and I have no idea who you guys are. I thank you all so much for your input, alot of people have been jerks to my questions (because i'm new and have had an iphone for a grand total of 2 days). YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! All I had to do was just change the resolution, then a button showed up that said done. But I was considering redoing the whole unlock process before I looked at this page again. I couldn't remember how to change resolution and I haven't been home all to do it anyway.

Again, Thank you all for your kindness and support.

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