I'm trying to figure out if I should buy the 2.16 or 2.33 MBP. The kicker for me is the video card. I'm a soon-to-be switcher who is addicted to his shooters and strategy games. So I want something I can play PC games on for a couple years to come. But I'm not really a cutting edge gamer- for example, I'm (almost) happily running a 9800xt right now. Not exactly top of the line anymore. So the choice is 128mb vs 256mb x1600. The price difference is $500.
Is the performance difference between the two obvious, gaming wise?
Is the 2.16 MBP's 128mb video card upgradeable to the 2.33's 256mb model if, in the future, I need it? I know that the Core Duo 2.16's ran the 256mb version.
Also, if I get the 2.16, should I have Apple install the extra gig of memory and keep the warranty, or should I void the warranty and install it myself? I'm pretty proficient at working on PC's, but I've never opened up a notebook before.
Is the performance difference between the two obvious, gaming wise?
Is the 2.16 MBP's 128mb video card upgradeable to the 2.33's 256mb model if, in the future, I need it? I know that the Core Duo 2.16's ran the 256mb version.
Also, if I get the 2.16, should I have Apple install the extra gig of memory and keep the warranty, or should I void the warranty and install it myself? I'm pretty proficient at working on PC's, but I've never opened up a notebook before.