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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
As some of you know, I ditched Nikon and DSLR's recently and went with a mirrorless setup, preferring Fuji cameras - the X100S and the X-E2.

Here's a few of my first shots:

X1S1312130243 by dharrisphotog, on Flickr

X1S1312130234 by dharrisphotog, on Flickr

X1S1312140300 by dharrisphotog, on Flickr

All images shot raw, processed in Lightroom 5.3, Photoshop CC, and Nik Software (Silver Efex Pro 2, Color Efex Pro 4, and Sharpener Pro 3.
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Congratulations on the new cameras. Nice work Razeus, lovely and crisp and disappearing into the fog. They have real character. I love foggy photos! The third one's not showing up for me.
Congratulations on the new cameras. Nice work Razeus, lovely and crisp and disappearing into the fog. They have real character. I love foggy photos! The third one's not showing up for me.

Ya, I'm not sure what the deal is. I'll fix the 3rd one when I get home since I can't access Flickr from work.
As some of you know, I ditched Nikon and DSLR's recently and went with a mirrorless setup, preferring Fuji cameras - the X100S and the X-E2.

Nice shots! I am looking to ditch my DSLR as well and go mirrorless, was thinking of the sony a7 but then the fuji x-e2 has caught my eye. It looks like a hell of a camera with some great glass at decent prices to boot. Are you happy with the new purchases so far?

Great shots right out the door.

Btw, you might want to consider other RAW processors than Lightroom and get even more out of your already excellent images.

As for me, I have both the X-E1 and X-E2. I'll probably sell the X-E1 (relatively new) for maybe 500 and just keep the one camera.

The X100s to me is one of the most outstanding cameras for general use and proves that both smaller sensor AND not being a Canikon still can yield amazing images.
Yes, I'm very happy with my purchase. I've been contemplating since the summer. While I love my D800, it's speed and iQ, it's too heavy and bulky to be very useful as an every day camera, especially when I roam the streets and other photography I do.

Further, Nikon's FX lenses are simply too expensive, and to get the quality range of lenses, you got to spend $2k+ each time. My 85, 35 Sigma, and 70-200 f2.8 where great lenses, but huge and drew attention when out in public.

The Fuji system fits me just right. Small and quite with great fast glass that's priced just right. A lot easier to go unnoticed doing street photography.

Plus if someone confronted me and threw my camera down the street, it's easier to explain to my wife why I need to spend another $1k to replace the camera than $3k.

I'll be posting images, proving I never needed a fancy camera to get the genres of photos I shoot.

Also, I've been playing with Iridient and Silkypix for RAW the last couple of weeks, and found that LR 5.3 is just as good, if not the same.
Yes, I'm very happy with my purchase. I've been contemplating since the summer. While I love my D800, it's speed and iQ, it's too heavy and bulky to be very useful as an every day camera, especially when I roam the streets and other photography I do.

Further, Nikon's FX lenses are simply too expensive, and to get the quality range of lenses, you got to spend $2k+ each time. My 85, 35 Sigma, and 70-200 f2.8 where great lenses, but huge and drew attention when out in public.

The Fuji system fits me just right. Small and quite with great fast glass that's priced just right. A lot easier to go unnoticed doing street photography.

Plus if someone confronted me and threw my camera down the street, it's easier to explain to my wife why I need to spend another $1k to replace the camera than $3k.

I'll be posting images, proving I never needed a fancy camera to get the genres of photos I shoot.

Also, I've been playing with Iridient and Silkypix for RAW the last couple of weeks, and found that LR 5.3 is just as good, if not the same.

Great stuff, thanks for the feedback. After reading a tonne of website reviews, yours finally pursuaded me to dive in and get one. Perhaps at the new year sales :)

The 3rd photo looks great too! Keep up the good work!

Great stuff, thanks for the feedback. After reading a tonne of website reviews, yours finally pursuaded me to dive in and get one. Perhaps at the new year sales :)

The 3rd photo looks great too! Keep up the good work!


+1 for Razeus' comments about the Fuji X cameras. X-E1 and X100 user here. I'm very happy that technology has got us to the point where we no longer have to sacrifice quality when we want something smaller. I don't know where you live but in the UK there are cashback offers until mid January(last time I looked) and a free lens offer when buying the X-Pro1. There may be alternatives elsewhere. Good luck!
That's good to hear. If you do sports or bird photography, the Fuji is not for you. But for everything else, the system is the one to beat.

I looked at Sony NEX and I'm not confident in their line of cameras. Their lenses aren't balance for their bodies, which defeats the purpose of going small and light. I looked at the A7 which is priced wonderfully, but they seem to have overpriced lenses - not to mention they don't have the proper lens line up to start with.

Fuji had it right from the start. Make 3 great fast primes in the popular POV's that have great optics, and 1 zoom in the normal to mid range and fill in the rest within 18 months. For a new camera system, that's pretty phenomenal. Unlike Canon/Nikon who appear to be stuck because they refuse to make new lenses for a new system that will cannibalize their bread and butter.

Yes, I wanted to go full frame and that's why I paid for the D800. It was a goal I accomplished. But, again, the lenses where too expensive for the faster versions or their lower priced stuff didn't have the speed or resolution capability. When I had my D7000, Nikon simply didn't make enough DX type lenses and basically told people to just by the full-frame lenses, which defeats the purpose of having the DX system to begin with! I can't complain I guess. I could get 100% of the shots I wanted with the Sigma 35, the 85 1.8G, and the 70-200 f/2.8, but I wanted to get the 24-70 as a travel lens (1 camera, 1 lens for road trips in attempt to go light), but the weight and bulkiness factor was still an issue. You can't just walk into a bar with one of those things.

I have the 14mm f/2.8 on order (backorder) for landscape/architecture and I'll be getting the 56mm f/1.2 as soon as they let me pre-order for portraits.
The D800 is a professional's camera so it makes sense why you ditched it. Oh and I'm not sure what you are smoking but the Sony NEX cameras are amazing.

Cool pics, btw. :)
The D800 is a professional's camera so it makes sense why you ditched it. Oh and I'm not sure what you are smoking but the Sony NEX cameras are amazing.

Cool pics, btw. :)

If you read my post, you'd see I never said the NEX line didn't take great photos, especially the ones I've seen from Trey Ratcliff. I said I'm not confident in their line of cameras.

I can be a professional without a D800, so I'm not sure why you made the snarky remark.
The first two are great shots, I wish I could figure out B&W on digital as well as you have. Here's one of my recent photos:

ISO 4,000, f/2, 1/60 s, handheld

Look at these gorgeous colors (yes, this is a straight conversion, I did not crank up the saturation, this is what it really looked like inside).
The first two are great shots, I wish I could figure out B&W on digital as well as you have. Here's one of my recent photos:
ISO 4,000, f/2, 1/60 s, handheld

Look at these gorgeous colors (yes, this is a straight conversion, I did not crank up the saturation, this is what it really looked like inside).

Wow. And at ISO4000, everything is still clean and detailed and saturated. I did a portrait of my youngest son at ISO 3200 indoors and I was amazed at the detail. Every bit as good as my ex-D800.

Yes, I love black and white, especially Silver Efex Pro so some praise goes to them. If Google ever stopped selling it, I'd be in trouble, because I simply don't know how to get good b&w's out of regular old Photoshop.
Congrats on the new gear Razeus. I have no doubt that it will work well for you.

I would never dispute the choice of camera gear a person makes but at the same time I do think accurate information is important when not expressed as an opinion. People do read these threads to assist with a buying decision so I do want to point out…

...I wanted to get the 24-70 as a travel lens (1 camera, 1 lens for road trips in attempt to go light), but the weight and bulkiness factor was still an issue. You can't just walk into a bar with one of those things...

...that's what camera bags are for. I do it all the time when travelling and find it very easy.
...that's what camera bags are for. I do it all the time when travelling and find it very easy.

I think everyone has their own threshold for how big and heavy camera gear can get before becoming too intrusive. The only time I bother using a camera bag is if I will be out in unfavourable weather (rain, snow) and want to protect it when not in use. Otherwise the sucker is bouncing on my shoulder all naked ;)

What I find odd is that the OP got both the X100S and the X-E2, but I suppose why not, if you can afford it.
I can't blame you for ditching your DSLR's. I've found that since I purchased my EOS-M, I carry that around with me more often than not, and leave my 5D3 at home. I generally only use my DSLR for cityscape and lanscape work anyway.

I'm really digging the monochrome pics. Nicely done.
My camera bag weighs ~8 kg fully loaded (- tripod, of course ;)), no chance I'll take that with me all the time. The X100s is much, much more portable than my D7000.

Of course I don't schlep all my equipment around either. I do have a mid-size messenger style bag that I use when travelling. It holds the camera, a large lens, flash, extra cards, charger, etc. The whole thing is probably smaller, lighter and less obtrusive than my wife's handbag.

I want to be perfectly clear though…I'm not suggesting my wife's handbag is in any way obtrusive…it's lovely, she's lovely, she may be reading. :)
I think everyone has their own threshold for how big and heavy camera gear can get before becoming too intrusive. The only time I bother using a camera bag is if I will be out in unfavourable weather (rain, snow) and want to protect it when not in use. Otherwise the sucker is bouncing on my shoulder all naked ;)

What I find odd is that the OP got both the X100S and the X-E2, but I suppose why not, if you can afford it.

Nothing odd about it. I got the X100S for street photography as it retains an optical viewfinder that works like a rangefinder so I can so what's coming into the frame as I snap. the X-E2 is for portraits, travel, macro, architecture. I was just going to get the 23mm instead of the X100S, but I find the optical viewfinder works better as a street photography tool.


Congrats on the new gear Razeus. I have no doubt that it will work well for you.

I would never dispute the choice of camera gear a person makes but at the same time I do think accurate information is important when not expressed as an opinion. People do read these threads to assist with a buying decision so I do want to point out…

...that's what camera bags are for. I do it all the time when travelling and find it very easy.

Yes, I used a camera bag. I carried my gear how I had to carry because that's the gear I had. Especially when I'm at a car show or anime show for 8 hours, it gets heavy for after a long while. It's a work out. Cameras have come a long way in since 2009 since I started shooting. Getting the same quality pics as my D800 in a smaller package, I can't complain. Maybe if I start a studio on the side next year, you'll find a D800 in it. ;)
Congrats on the purchase and welcome to the X club. Some great shots there. The only thing I can see wrong with them is that they are so much better than the ones I take with my X100. Nothing to do with the camera....I'm just not as good as you ;)

Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Congrats on the purchase and welcome to the X club. Some great shots there. The only thing I can see wrong with them is that they are so much better than the ones I take with my X100. Nothing to do with the camera....I'm just not as good as you ;)

Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

You're too kind. Those comments are encouraging.

You know after 5 years of shooting, I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing. However, I'm more focused on getting great images these days, looking for how light hits a given scene, how to compose it, and how to process it in the digital darkroom. I'll be posting way less than I use to, but hopefully it'll be the better stuff and leave the so-so and below stuff on my hard drive. I've whittled my Flickr down from 1500 photos down to 650 or so.
It seems the X100S is starting to pay for itself and giving me more confidence in my photography to actually starting a side business with it, instead of nillying around.

A local magazine wants to use it in next month's publication for a $200 usage fee. I probably should have asked for $350, but oh well. Just finished sending them the paper work.
Fujifilm Mirrorless

Wow. I feel like that I'm reading my own post. I have been shooting a D7000 with both a wide angle and telephoto zooms. I love my Nikon and the lenses provide coverage for almost any situation however the image quality is, in my opinion, so-so and it's just plain WORK to drag this equipment around all day. I considered a FX format system however the camera/lens investment is staggering (at least for my budget). I recently purchased the X100s and although I find the focus system quirky, I love to carry this camera and ultimately, I like the results better than my Nikon. I think my favorite part is to have macro in my pocket without yet another lens to purchase and drag around in hopes that I will get a chance to use it. Really like your first shots Razeus!
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