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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 6, 2006
Bucks, UK
Hi all, I've got a D50 and wondered whether anyone was using a fish eye lens or more specifically a cheaper convertor, and what the results are like?


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
tektonnic said:
Hi all, I've got a D50 and wondered whether anyone was using a fish eye lens or more specifically a cheaper convertor, and what the results are like?

Try asking this question on Several examples there of this lens on use. Two interresting things about it (1) NC can "rectify" the image in software and (2) some compositions can "hide" the curves on the field. (and of course others can take advantage of it) But most people seem to say it is a "specialty lens" and ther 12-24mm zoom is more generally usfull.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2003
tektonnic said:
Hi all, I've got a D50 and wondered whether anyone was using a fish eye lens or more specifically a cheaper convertor, and what the results are like?

For a full-frame fisheye the following link has some example images:

For a circular fisheye, the following link has some example images:

The following link has examples of both circular and full-frame images:


macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
I've been using the Nikon 10.5mm DX f/2.8 for a while now, and find it really useful. It's great for different-perspective shots, such as huge, cloud-filled scenics or warped sports shots. The only downside is some visible chromatic abberations (purple and green edges in high-contrast areas) in the edges of the frame. Other than that, it's well worth the uh.... five hundred bucks.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
This lens is on my list of "eventually-will-buy" and it has so many creative possibilities! I also am waiting for NX (new version of Nikon Capture) to be released, as then I will buy and install it in my iMac and after that will be able to make perspective adjustments on the images shot with the 10.5 fisheye. Right now I don't have Nikon Capture and am holding out since the new version is just around the corner....
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