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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 27, 2008
Hampshire, UK
I recently purchased an OCZ 120Gb Vertex 2 3.5" SSD for my early 2008 MP. It is working fine (really well, in fact), but I had slight problems fitting it. So before purchasing a second SSD for data, I would appreciate advice or suggestions on whether I should worry about this or consider something else.

The problem was getting it to fit into the MP sled. The sled's screws seem too large for the SSD (I could only just get them to screw in a very short distance, and was reluctant to force them too far, the SSD's case being plastic). The effect of this was that the SSD was hanging several mm below the metal bars of the sled. So, in the end, in order to enable the SSD to plug in to the socket, I used only the two screws furthest from the connector, with the SSD at a slight angle to enable its connectors to line up with the socket.

So, two questions:

1. Does it sound like I am doing something wrong? I'd appreciate any hints on how to make this OCZ fit in a more satisfactory way.

2. Any suggestions on what SSDs might fit more easily in a 2008 MP (either 3.5" or 2.5" in combination with some sort of mounting device)? I am looking to get a second SSD of 200Gb or more.

Many thanks in advice for any answers ....
If you want it in one of the HDD bays, the product linked by ibookG4user would be a nice, simple solution.

It's also possible to fit it in the empty optical bay as well. To do this, you need a SATA data cable, and run it to one of the empty ODD_SATA ports on the logic board, and a Molex to SATA power adapter. You can let it lay in there loose, use velcro, zip ties,... or get a ready made adapter (can also use a pair; 5.25" to 3.5" + 3.5" to 2.5"). Up to you.

Please note, that if you want to run Windows on that drive, it's more difficult to get it working on the ODD_SATA port (there's a patch proceedure here in MR that tells you how to do this). Using the HDD bay is far easier if you plan to do this (Bootcamp it for both OS X and Windows).
i just put mine in without the sled then used some write to stabilize it. a simple hack :)
I have exactly that SSD (OCZ Vertex2 3.5" 120GB) and it fit in the sled just fine without forcing anything. I used the screws provided with the SSD.
Many thanks for all the replies. Very helpful, and much appreciated.

I did not realise that there were screws supplied with the SSD. I had better check the box when I get home! (Good job I didn't throw it out already ....)

roblin, could I trouble you to clarify what you did to stablize the SSD without using the sled? I'm not sure what you meant by "used some write" (possibly a typo?).

Thanks again ....
I've went through the same issue before. I bought one of these. It's made by a company called MaxUpgrades (which I believe is actually done by a guy in his house) and it works great. It looks exactly like the sleds with the MP, but for a 2.5" drive. It slides right into place, no issues, and great build quality. Pretty reasonable too. If you want, I can post a picture of what it looks like inside. Very stable, and works great.
I fitted the OCZ 120Gb Vertex 2 2.5" to my 2008 Mac pro at the weekend, just hooked it up via the sata port on the motherboard and have it sitting in the lower optical bay.

Very easy install, the hardest part was cleaning all the dust inside lol.
Considering how many are likely sold a few being bad doesn't come as that much of a surprise. It doesn't mean that there are major problems with the Icy Dock though.
From what I gathered out of the previous thread (there's another here in MR), is there's some Quality Control issues (supplier is cutting corners in the manufacturing process, such as not cleaning and inspecting the PCB's for solder bridges/bad joints).

There may even be multiple suppliers producing the units for Icy Dock, and only one's having these problems.
Did you find the screws? What happened?

I checked when I finally got home yesterday evening. No screws in the box. So I will see if I can chase some down when I have time later today. It's working fine at the moment with the arrangement I originally described, but I would prefer to get hold of screws that will enable it to be fitted a little more securely.

(I do remember a time when losing a system residence volume would not cause an immediate failure, but I dare say that would not be the case with most computers today .... ;)
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