I have downloaded this via CYDIA but can't figure out how to use it 
Can someone please give this n00b some instructions
Can someone please give this n00b some instructions
Reboot the phone then drag any five icons into the dock. It was that simple for me. Be warned, once I installed this, my battery would die much faster than it previously did. I got so fed up, I restored.
Reboot the phone then drag any five icons into the dock. It was that simple for me. Be warned, once I installed this, my battery would die much faster than it previously did. I got so fed up, I restored.
I know that only background processes drain the battery. But I had a similar experience. After jailbreaking I installed Winterboard and the 5-Symbol-Dock and my battery time was cut in half. Even restarting the iPhone didn't help. What helped was putting the iPhone in DFU-mode and than restarting it without a restore. So maybe the installation of the 5-Dock-App started some processes in the background that didn't stop after the installation was complete.
I know that only background processes drain the battery. But I had a similar experience. After jailbreaking I installed Winterboard and the 5-Symbol-Dock and my battery time was cut in half. Even restarting the iPhone didn't help. What helped was putting the iPhone in DFU-mode and than restarting it without a restore. So maybe the installation of the 5-Dock-App started some processes in the background that didn't stop after the installation was complete.
I added the 5th icon yesterday-and I have to say-it does seem like the battery is draining faster. This, of course, is anecdotal evidence to be sure. In addition, there is no LOGICAL reason why this would be.
I am going to leave it for a few more days and see what happens. It is possible my phone wasn't fully charged last time-but after sitting overnight with no activity, it is down about 40%-which seems like a lot.
So I guess I'm not the only who had the problem, smartasses.
So I guess I'm not the only who had the problem, smartasses.
My wife left me with five-icon dock, be warned.