I recently bought a 280X and flashed it. All went fine with one exception. Furmark is bringing the machine down because it draws too much power.
The card (in my case a gigabyte windforce rev.2) has a 6-pin and a 8pin connector. Since the macpro has only 2 6-pin connectors one of them is stressed more than the other. This can be observed with HWMonitor or other SMC tools.
So my idea was to distribute the load on both 6-pin connectors. I soldered some wire to connect the 12V lines of each connector.
I did it like this:
Now my machine is not crashing anymore while running Furmark tests.
If the card still draws too much power the OCP would immediately shut down the machine to prevent further harm.
PS: if you do this you should not use an external PSU with this card anymore! Connecting two different 12V power sources is not a good idea.
I recently bought a 280X and flashed it. All went fine with one exception. Furmark is bringing the machine down because it draws too much power.
The card (in my case a gigabyte windforce rev.2) has a 6-pin and a 8pin connector. Since the macpro has only 2 6-pin connectors one of them is stressed more than the other. This can be observed with HWMonitor or other SMC tools.
So my idea was to distribute the load on both 6-pin connectors. I soldered some wire to connect the 12V lines of each connector.
I did it like this:
Now my machine is not crashing anymore while running Furmark tests.
If the card still draws too much power the OCP would immediately shut down the machine to prevent further harm.
PS: if you do this you should not use an external PSU with this card anymore! Connecting two different 12V power sources is not a good idea.
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