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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 29, 2008
I'm looking for an automatic way of having text enter my screen in flash. No, fancy tricks, just show up one after the other. Since i will have many of these and will be changing the sizes of the text, line spacing, amount of words etc a lot, hence i'm looking for a simple automatic system (like powerpoint has).

any components out there or some simple programming that offers all of these variables in a simple GUI?

or does Flash CS3 already have it and i just missed it?
I'm not 100% clear on your use of the term "automatic".

Are you looking for a looping slideshow?
I would store the text fields in an array, and use a tweening class within a function that loads/unloads the text fields incrementally, then reloads the entire function on Complete to create the loop.

Or would you like to control the playhead movement manually?
Here's a basic actionscript (AS3) with buttons that advance the timeline 1 frame forward or 1 frame back.
This would be manually controlled by mouse clicks.
There are no special "Flash" effects included in this script. (no page transitions, rollover effects, etc...)
Stage setup:
Paste this script on a locked layer "actions" in frame1.
Two movieclips on frame1, instance names "forward" and "backward".
These are the buttons that advance the playhead 1 frame forward, or 1 frame backward.
Wrap these movieclips in a parent movieclip, instance name "buttonGroup".
Place the variously formatted text fields on frame1, frame2, frame3, etc...
in the order you would like them to appear.

buttonGroup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, action, false, 0, true);
buttonGroup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, action, false, 0, true);
buttonGroup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, action, false, 0, true);
buttonGroup.mouseEnabled = false;
buttonGroup.buttonMode = true;

var button:String = "";

function action(event:MouseEvent):void {
	button =;
	switch (event.type) {
		case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER :
			//optional: call a tweening function here for rollover effects. (targeting the
		case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT :
			//optional: call a tweening function here for rollout effects. (targeting the
		case MouseEvent.CLICK :
			switch (button) {
				case "forward" :
					gotoAndStop(currentFrame + 1);
				case "backward" :
					gotoAndStop(currentFrame - 1);
thanks...but i got some help....

One of the component makers (i shall give him a plug here, as he was very helpful

Hi Steve,
I think that using my text effect components will be 'overkill' for your needs. I think that you can probably make a very simple model with some basic scripting doing that. You'll probably want to pour your texts into an Array, then have a frame loop MC fade in-wait-out text and use a counter++ to load next text .. and restart the frame loop.

actually made a small MC for me and solved my problem (no charge)
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