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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 5, 2010
I am working with some complex JSON(arrays nested in arrays). I am interested in flattening the JSON structure into a CSV. My main issue is that the full structure of the JSON is unknown, arrays vary in length and complexity.

Is there either:
1. A tool that will scan the JSON and create a complete dictionary?
2. A tool that can flatten the JSON into CSV or some other 'flat' data structure?
So... there seems to be at least some interest in this thread based on how many people have read it.

I was able to solve my problem, although what I have done is not elegant.

I essentially identified the high level arrays/structure manually. Then I wrote/found code online that would implode arrays and multidimensional arrays(coding done in php).

If anyone is interested in the code I would be glad to post it.
//function to implode nested arrays

function multiImplode($array) {
    $ret = '';
	$glue = ', ';
	    foreach ($array as $item) {
   		    if (is_array($item)) {
   	    	    $ret .=  multiImplode($item, $glue) . $glue;
   		    } else {
   	      	    $ret .= $item . $glue;
    $ret = substr($ret, 0, 0-strlen($glue));
    return $ret;

//function to check if a value is an array or missing
//implodes arrays or returns null

function helperNull ($val){
	if(is_array($val)){$val = multiImplode($val);}
	if(!$val || $val == ""){
		$val = "null";
 	$connectionString = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=JSON user=username password=somepassword";
 	$dbConnection = pg_connect($connectionString);
 	$val = pg_escape_string($dbConnection, $val);
 	return $val;

//read in the file one line at a time. In my case each line was an individual JSON record.

$file_handle = fopen("my_file.json", "r");

//insert processed JSON into a postgres database. From here it is easy to export from postgres into csv or whatever.

while (!feof($file_handle)) {

   $line = fgets($file_handle);
   $vals = json_decode($line,true);
   	$connectionString = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=JSON user=username password=somepassword";
	$dbConnection = pg_connect($connectionString)or die('fail');
	pg_query("INSERT INTO \"TABLE_1\"(
            \"JSON_TOP_LEVEL_1\" ,
            \"JSON_TOP_LEVEL_1.NEXT_LEVEL\" ,
            \"JSON_TOP_LEVEL_2\" )
       VALUES ('".helperNull($vals['JSON_TOP_LEVEL_1'])."',


I'd be interested in seeing it just so I know how you were able to "flatten" the JSON structure into a CSV, as you put it.

I posted the code above. I am not a php programmer nor do I have much experience with JSON at all, but this works.

My main problem here is that I don't know the structure of the JSON. This process works great to convert the JSON into a table where the structure is easier for me to handle.
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