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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
I'm going to Thailand for 3 months and want to upload my pictures on the go. I will be doing it from internet cafes and various hostel computers.

I was going to use - I like their site and 25 dollars for unlimited upload is not to expensive.

My problem is that the online upload tool isn't doing it for me because i can't upload an entire folder at once. It would take me hours to upload 400 pics.

Is there a way around this or is there another site/service you guys would recommend?



Oct 17, 2005
Flickr provide a upload tool, it will allow bulk uploads and is easy to use.

If your using shared computers thought im not sure you will be able to install but if its from your own pc then upload away!!!!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
Flickr provide a upload tool, it will allow bulk uploads and is easy to use.

If your using shared computers thought im not sure you will be able to install but if its from your own pc then upload away!!!!

Thanks for the answer but the problem is that I'm moving around in Thailand so I will not be able to install any programs.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
Are there any portable apps out there for flickr? I've been dooing hours of googling but can't seem to find anything usefull.

Forced Perfect

macrumors 6502
Jul 2, 2004
Toronto, Canada.
I'm going to Thailand for 3 months and want to upload my pictures on the go. I will be doing it from internet cafes and various hostel computers.

I was going to use - I like their site and 25 dollars for unlimited upload is not to expensive.

My problem is that the online upload tool isn't doing it for me because i can't upload an entire folder at once. It would take me hours to upload 400 pics.

Is there a way around this or is there another site/service you guys would recommend?


I've had good results with 1001 (available on in OS X for uploading Flickr photos.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
I think we're all slightly confused....

Are you saying that you want a way to transfer large numbers of pictures without using a web interface, to a photo site, from computers that do not belong to you and cannot be modified (e.g. at an internet café)? So you have no control over the operating system or configuration.

Hmmm...that's a toughie. I'm not sure if Apple's .Mac (not free) helps you out any? I know (not free), which I use, allows you to upload a zip of files via web interface, and then unpacks the zip and pulls all the image files out of it. Would that help? The problem I see is guaranteeing that the internet café computers would have zip software on them. I'm not sure if it's standard in Windows? I thought it was in XP, but recently I've noticed that XP computers I use still seem to use WinZip....

Otherwise, an alternative would be to look for a network disk option that works via WebDAV.... that would not get the pictures viewable, but you would be able to mount the WebDAV as a disk (using http: or https: -- on Macs, https: secure WebDAVs are not supported out of the box) and then drag things onto it as if it were a local disk. iDisk, which is part of .Mac, also allows for this.

Forced Perfect

macrumors 6502
Jul 2, 2004
Toronto, Canada.
If it's just about storing the photos he could probably use one of those free file storage sites and upload a big zip file of all the images. Anyone got some to suggest?

Or just buy a few memory cards before leaving.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
I think we're all slightly confused....

Are you saying that you want a way to transfer large numbers of pictures without using a web interface, to a photo site, from computers that do not belong to you and cannot be modified (e.g. at an internet café)? So you have no control over the operating system or configuration.


I know it's a tough one, but flickrs own webupload tool is so outdated that i hoped someone had made something better. Maybe I will just have to abandon flickr and find a service that has better uploading tools.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Alternatively, you could try to set a thumb drive up so that both a Windows and a Mac flickr tool can be run off it. If you're lucky, you'll find cafés that are not sufficiently secure to prevent you from running apps off your thumb drive. But it's a big gamble... so you need a backup plan.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Why not buy an Epson P-5000, which has an 80 GB hard drive and a nice large LCD for viewing your images? No computer needed, you just upload from your memory cards right into the device. Later on when you're at your own computer you can transfer all the files from the Epson to the computer. You could use the device to review and group all of your images, delete the baddies and then at an internet cafe if you wanted to upload to Flickr you could select just the ones you want and do things that way.

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
How outdated is Flickr's webtool? I know I've uploaded over 1,000 pictures using smugmug's web uploader without issue, I think Flickr's web tool should work fine. Because that's the only way I can think of without downloading software to get pictures up to flickr.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
How outdated is Flickr's webtool? I know I've uploaded over 1,000 pictures using smugmug's web uploader without issue, I think Flickr's web tool should work fine. Because that's the only way I can think of without downloading software to get pictures up to flickr.

Very, the problem is that it only allows you yo upload 6 pics at the time


macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2003
RI -> CA -> ME
I just downloaded jUploadr
It is not something that needs to be installed, but they do need Java.
It might work for you if you can download it each place or keep it on a thumb drive.


macrumors newbie
Mar 21, 2005
given that you cant install anything on the machines its a bit tricky.

if you want to stick with flickr. how about using flickr's email option?
it allows multiple images per email (though thier faq seems to imply its a bit flakey, so worth trying in advance)

- however, your email client will need to support adding multiple attachments easier.


macrumors member
Apr 10, 2006
Like what Clix Pix said, if you have an iPod you could use the iPod camera connector to transfer the pics which would save you finding a PC to upload them from. Ofcourse the iPod (presuming you have one!) would have to be reasonably sized but I think this is a pretty easy option and I have done it in the past.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
It's not only about storing the pics but also about others being able to see them. I don't think flickr can provide a service that will do what I'm demanding. I will start looking for other services.

Thanks for all the help


macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2005
hey dingledorph (great name btw),

i would buy 2 or 3 memory the pics and then mail them to your family. i know there are risks with mailing, but they're small enough that it shouldn't be a problem.

i personally would buy a 2 or 4 GB card to store them all...keeping that one with you until you return home. then may be a 512 or 1 GB card (x 2 or 3) to store pics after a month or 1.5 months. use a computer at the internet cafe to transfer from the biggee to the computer, then put a smaller one in, transfer pics, delete them from computer...mail home.

hope you find a solution regardless.

i hear that one MUST visit the islands off thailand..phu ket i believe is the name.


Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Well they both have trial periods, so I would say try them out! I ended up with smugmug as they seem to have more features, but zenfolio might be the better value. Both have great presentation of photos, but more importantly for you, test out the web uploading tools! You might miss the flickr community.

Here is my smugmug site, I love the customization I can do with it. I have $5 coupon code as well for smugmug, and I'm sure others have one for zenfolio if you end up going with either. But definitely try them out!

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