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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 26, 2007
I've been a deviant art user for years now so what I'd like to ask is, how come flickr is waaay more popular with photographs? There's so much limits with Flickr but Deviant Art is free and offers unlimited uploads and people can buy prints, making you money...

here's my account: and I recently subscribed because I'm a frequent use.


macrumors 65816
Jan 10, 2006
I think DA is almost infinitely better put together. It's also more industrial and linear, which of course I prefer. Flickr is almost byzantine by comparison.


macrumors 68020
Dec 25, 2008
flickr will yield more popularity

while deviantart will make people go... why am i clicking this link


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2008
London, UK
I find flickr to be hard to use, annoying to navigate and overall, a bit of a mess.

dA on the other hand I have a really long history with. Features are good, and the concept is good. Don't agree with the current management style though.


macrumors member
Dec 21, 2008
I have used both, and mostly stick to Flickr.

Flickr seems better to me as a 'sharing' site - you can easily upload a set of images, and can easily share them with friends and through the groups which gives you access to images and discussion on hundreds of topics - groups dedicated to certain cameras, lenses, styles, locations and many more where you can see what other people are doing in certain areas and the chance to discuss the topics with others of interest.

In those ways Deviantart seems a lot more limited - the upload system is a lot more cumbersome as you have to upload images individually and set the options each time, whereas Flickr gives you the batch controls. The upside for the Deviantart system is that you have more control, and the option for sales and so on, but the sharing aspect isn't really as prevalent.

Flickr does also ask that you pay for the pro account for full access to the options (without it you are limited to a set amount of albums and it only shows your last 200 uploads) - but it is fairly cheap and even with the cost I felt that Flickr was more appropriate for what I do.


macrumors 6502
Nov 8, 2005
I like flickr because thanks to iPhoto, I just need to select the pictures I want to upload, click the flickr botton and DONE... NEXT THING! :D


macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2005
Behind the lens
DeviantART Rocks, flickr SUCKS.... there I said it..... ;)

They are NOT comparable at all.

Just because you CAN upload photos and paintings and whatnots to both, doesnt make them at all the same idea.

Might as well call Facebook, DeviantArt and Flickr the same thing then. And since its wrong to do so, its just as wrong to choose one over the other.

Choose the one that does what you want it to.


macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2004
I'm just about to get into photography properly, and was thinking about this recently.

I think DA might be the way to go, you its more of a community atmosphere right? Great for C&C..... when I'm not asking for it here of course! :rolleyes:

Still... Flickr is nice and clean... oohh decisions!

Might just go on which one seems cheaper! :p


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2006
flickr is like myspace/facebook while DA is more like youtube

DA is not an "anything goes" site where you put all your vacation and party pictures, its an art site and if you dont have artistic photos to upload then you shouldnt upload them. Infact youll probably get banned for doing that (you will at least get your photos deleted if they arent put in the scraps category, which dont show up in searches).

Flickr is completely casual and if blogs came in photo form then youd have Flickr.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I signed up for Flickr a while ago, and never really could stay with it on a long-term basis... too cluttered and all about groups and community, which is fine, but not what I needed - I'd be online all day long :p - so I have used Picasaweb for the most part. I'm now seriously looking at alternatives to Picasaweb (including Flickr again,) and have tried, which is completely different, and fairly slow. It's flash based, and looks great and offers a lot of photo editing stuff right there online, but is cumbersome for straight photo storage and sharing.

My main issue with Picasaweb albums is when linking to a photo, the max size it will allow is 800 pixels, and I'd rather be able to link to larger image sizes, whether by linking to a custom resized pic at full size, or having additional choices above 800px in the html link code.

Sorry about getting a bit off topic of Flickr vs. DA...


macrumors regular
Sep 8, 2008
What about ? maybe a bit 'old school', but has a professional look/feel
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