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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
Which is better and why, Flight Track Pro or Flight Update Pro?
Flight Track Pro

I really like Flight Track, but the Pro version is ever better. The key is signing up to the Tripit web site and forward your airline confirmation emails to Tripit -- it parses the emails and figures out your itinerary. Then Flight Track Pro syncs with Tripit. This worked great, and within 2 minutes of signing up, I had my flights loaded on my iPhone. I know this review sound like an infomercial, but that's just how happy I am with this app.

Setup is easy - just forward your confirmation and its there in seconds. Plus, you can install a link to your Outlook Calendar and you are done! A great application and now i don't have to spend hours putting it in all of my calendars and creating Excel travel list!
Pika, maybe you missed what I was asking. I know what Flight Track Pro does, I am asking which is better and why, Flight Track Pro or Flight Update Pro? Both use Tripit. Flight Track Pro seems to be more popular but both apps seem to do the same thing, for the same price.
How is it more elegant? Flight Track Pro is only one of Apple's favorites because more people purchased it, both are rated with 4 stars. Flight Update has not been out as long as Flight Tracker, so of course more people would have purchased Flight Track giving the illusion that it is more popular.
I'm going to copy almost verbatim a response that I gave in the other flight status app that got no response.

I use Flight Update Pro. I love the TripIt integration and I love that it shows the current location of the flight on Google Maps. It also has a bunch of neat little features that any of the other apps don't have:

1) View the seating layout of your assigned plane. It will also show you which are are the best / worst seats to sit in on your particular flight. is where that data comes from.
2) The app allows you to find another flight easily if yours is canceled for some reason. It searches all carriers to find a flight or flights to get you to your destination closest to the time of your original flight.
3) All above features are included in the regular version of Flight Update. The only difference between that and Flight Update Pro is that Pro has TripIt integration. The cool thing is that if you buy the regular version and want to add TripIt integration later, you can upgrade to the Pro version via in-app purchasing and just pay the difference.
Adster thanks, but again I am not getting a comparison of these two apps. Have you tried both apps? A great review about one app means nothing if the reviewer has nothing to compare it to.
Adster thanks, but again I am not getting a comparison of these two apps. Have you tried both apps? A great review about one app means nothing if the reviewer has nothing to compare it to.

I have tried both apps, actually. Although I haven't tried FlightTrack Pro, I have used the regular FlightTrack. Supposedly the only difference between that and FlightTrack Pro is the TripIt integration. The interfaces are very similar, and they both do fairly the same thing. I stuck with FlightUpdate Pro because it has a few more features. FlightTrack doesn't use Google Maps, which I think is a huge deal from a UI perspective. The data from both apps seems on par for the most part...they must use the same data source.

The one thing FlightTrack has that Flight Update does NOT have is live radar on the map screen. That feature would be a lot more help if FlightTrack would let you move the map around, which it doesn't.

Flight Update also calculates your layover time, which is not a huge deal but it helps to see it in writing rather then calculate it yourself.

If you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer them as I have used both apps.
Adster thanks, but again I am not getting a comparison of these two apps. Have you tried both apps? A great review about one app means nothing if the reviewer has nothing to compare it to.
Sorry... But, I only purchased Flight Track Pro for my iPhone 3GS.
Sorry... But, I only purchased Flight Track Pro for my iPhone 3GS.

Here a review demo:

Pika, are you referring to "FlightTrack Pro" or "Flight Tracker Pro" by Your comments seem to suggest FlightTrack Pro because of the TripIt integration and it being one of Apple's favorites, yet the YouTube video you linked to is for the app "Flight Tracker Pro" which is not for the casual traveler and does not (afaik) include TripIt integration, but does include it's own "pinch to zoom" maps like Google Maps.

After using both apps, it really comes down to personal preference. They both display info in a nice, straight forward UI. FlightTrack I think has a slightly nicer current 'status screen' while Flight Update has a much nicer map (Google Maps).
Then why did you respond to my post? I am really trying to find the better of the two apps.

If anyone else has actually had both apps and can provide me with which is better and why, I would appreciate it.

Do you think people are going to send their money to purchase two flight tracker apps and review them just for you... just because mister want to know which they like ?

Do your research on Google.
This guy is looking for professional travelers who bought Flight Track Pro and Flight Update Pro ONLY
Pika, are you referring to "FlightTrack Pro" or "Flight Tracker Pro" by Your comments seem to suggest FlightTrack Pro because of the TripIt integration and it being one of Apple's favorites, yet the YouTube video you linked to is for the app "Flight Tracker Pro" which is not for the casual traveler and does not (afaik) include TripIt integration, but does include it's own "pinch to zoom" maps like Google Maps.

After using both apps, it really comes down to personal preference. They both display info in a nice, straight forward UI. FlightTrack I think has a slightly nicer current 'status screen' while Flight Update has a much nicer map (Google Maps).
From what I see, Flight Update has a seat key map and allows you to email your flight status. You can also view meal information, validate flights more than 3 days prior and unlimited flight status updates. Although I don't think it gives weather info like Flight Track does.

So in the end, which program did you go with?

From what I see, Flight Update has a seat key map and allows you to email your flight status. You can also view meal information, validate flights more than 3 days prior and unlimited flight status updates. Although I don't think it gives weather info like Flight Track does.
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