Hey MacRumors! We recently released our app, Flipside, to the App Store. Flipside is a digital studying application that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. At the moment, we have no web interface for desktop card creation (and we're really, really sorry about that!) but we promise we will have one released by our 2.0 update, and we're hard at work on one as I speak.
(from iTunes)
-Amazing user interface that makes studying fun.
-Study index cards. Flip them using the flip button.
-Mark cards you don't know and study only those cards.
-Create cards easily.
-Download a selection of stacks with the Stacks Download feature. **COMING SOON** - A web interface to create cards to sync to your iPhone or iPod touch.
-Move multiple cards at once to other decks.
-Flip multiple cards in the edit view to switch up the order you study.
-Delete multiple cards at once.
It costs $1.99. Right now the app feels very "1.0" and it doesn't seem like it has a very impressive feature list, but we will have bug fixes and feature additions (such as studying images, web syncing, and various other interface enhancements) shortly. We are open to comments, criticisms, and suggestions!
Website: http://flipsidetouch.com
Twitter Support: http://twitter.com/flipsidetouch
iTunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flipside-digital-studying/id352715387?mt=8
(from iTunes)
-Amazing user interface that makes studying fun.
-Study index cards. Flip them using the flip button.
-Mark cards you don't know and study only those cards.
-Create cards easily.
-Download a selection of stacks with the Stacks Download feature. **COMING SOON** - A web interface to create cards to sync to your iPhone or iPod touch.
-Move multiple cards at once to other decks.
-Flip multiple cards in the edit view to switch up the order you study.
-Delete multiple cards at once.
It costs $1.99. Right now the app feels very "1.0" and it doesn't seem like it has a very impressive feature list, but we will have bug fixes and feature additions (such as studying images, web syncing, and various other interface enhancements) shortly. We are open to comments, criticisms, and suggestions!
Website: http://flipsidetouch.com
Twitter Support: http://twitter.com/flipsidetouch
iTunes link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flipside-digital-studying/id352715387?mt=8