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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 22, 2017
StPetersburg, Russia.
Well, not 100% brand new... somewhere around 20 - 25%... but...

"Rush&Puzzles" is my new mobile (very mobile) game.


You can immediately go to App Store :

...or read the description here:

Puzzles are created from your own photos. Elements of puzzles are square, they shuffle and turn randomly (rotation increases complexity).

The grid dimensions along the vertical and horizontal lines are not fixed, it is completely your choice.

The puzzles (both created and solved) are saved as PNG images. They can be distributed without limitation.

Puzzles created on the iPhone can be solved on the iPad and vice versa.
(... created on iOS can be solved on Android and vice versa ...)

The Interface and interaction are in the style of "minimalism": nothing superfluous, only you and your puzzles.

A spaces of small screens is used optimally (but it looks more beautiful on the iPad).

In my opinion, the app can bring a lot of joy to the interaction of parents with children (both shoulder to shoulder, and at a distance). Well, for mental growth it will be useful too.

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