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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 25, 2004
Houston, TX
There's a nifty little theme/skin for Mozilla Firefox that essentially turns your browser into Safari after a little tweaking. Not quite as nice as using your beloved Mac, but it does make life a little easier. :)

Download this:
Then this:
And then this:

And be sure to follow the instructions on the skin carefully, it took me two tries to get it to look perfect.
Sadly, due to the company's standard desktop initiative, I have to use IE. :(
You could just use the skin from WindowBlinds (the second download) to make everything look like OS X...

Not quite the same, but still cool.
You can also extend the illusion by getting ObjectDock (StarDock) and Installing ObjectBar with a Mac theme.

Then if you can somehow (;)) find the Apple Rhapsody YellowBox for Windows then you can install PC versions of and, plus add a Terminal (*cough* BT).
Then with ObjectBar you can set it to put all the applications menus up at the top of the screen.

Once you have done that, then you'll have a PC that looks like mine! (Parents computer, mine are a TiBook 800 and a Sawtooth 533).
I also use CursorXP to give the Panther cursor and beachball.

I can upload a screenshot of my PC in 10 minutes if you want. I'll open TextEdit, Mail, Safari, iTunes, AddressBook etc.
And Terminal and Preview.
There we go. Sorry bout the wait.

Those are the YellowBox applications. It also includes the developer software. The reason it took so long was I had to install a graphics card in the PC as my Geforce3 has serious problems.

Er ... no it usually doesn't say ObjectBar for the application name, usually it actually has the application name.

Good likeness to Panther, no?


  • macimitator2.jpg
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I took a screenshot of my desktop at home and use it as wallpaper on my PC at work. Really screws the boss up.

I'm using Windows 2000 with the Windowblinds program and Mozilla Firefox with the theme described above:

Besides, the point of a standardized corporate desktop is that IT frowns on you installing your own stuff. If you do, tech support personnel immediately target any non-standard stuff you have running as the culprit of any problem.

Nice thought, though. :)
heh. I *am* the tech support person 'round here ;) !

Fortunately, that stuff is only on my user account on the computer. My parents stick with the classic look.

Luckily at work(school AV department) I have a Dual 2 G5, so I'm not worried to much about PCs...
grabberslasher said:
You can also extend the illusion by getting ObjectDock (StarDock) and Installing ObjectBar with a Mac theme.

Then if you can somehow (;)) find the Apple Rhapsody...

Where can I find Rhapsody for the PC!? Was developer version 2 the last one?

I'd love to play with this! It's essentially OS9 for wintel!
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