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macrumors 601
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My Missouri state college, Northwest Missouri State University has provided a computer in the room. Unfortunately it is a 900-something MHz Gateway :( :(

It has USB, so I can use my digital camera and printer, so I can't justify dropped another $1000+ for a Mac when I'm struggling to make tuition.

The gateway is nearly fully functional, and it is now folding for the 'rumors team (which is one hell of a lot faster than on a macintosh), but the GUI (Windows 2K Professional) is only slightly less painful than a sharp stick in the eye.

I am left with two options:
1. Request that some kind individual will give me a mac that can run OS X resonably, or
2. Hope that there is a way to make Windows 2000 Professional look more aqua-ish.

So, if any of you windows users out there can aid me in a little GUI makeover, some help ASAP would be great. I don't know how long the wallpaper (err.... desktop) of the flat-panel iMac will stave off the insanity.
can't upgrade

I can't update the system because it would screw up my network connection.

I think that if I could just put Os X like icons on my stuff, that it would help nearly enough.

What are the limits of my customization on 2000 Professional?
What I would do is buy a second hand mac, which doesn't cost that much like a 600MHz iMac, give the Gateway a nice space on the floor and use the Mac.

Is that a room you live in?
If I had to live in one of those dorms then I would just take with me one of my macs from home.
Or he could not build his own x86 machine since he wants a Mac. You can get a used Mac for a pretty decent price that would last you through college if you want. I'd go for an iBook personally, since you really learn to appreciate the portability and size when in the dorms.
for the price of that second hand mac, you can build a new x86 machine

Yes, but then he'd have to use Windows. Or Linux. I also have to deal with Windows, and sometimes... it can be painful. There are customizations you can make. Seach the web - places like have themes you can apply. Still doesn't make it a Mac, but it might help.


We get it xpormac, you like Macs AND PCs. You seem to prefer PCs. That's not what he asked. Some of us have different opinions, accept it. This is MacRumors. We like Apple here. Most of us don't like Windows. If you do, good for you. I love Macs, I tolerate Windows. Barely.

Sounds like stoid feels the same way.


Back on topic: my suggestion is to just deal with the headache that can be Windows. 2000 isn't THAT bad, though I can see why you may not like it. Especially on a Gateway. Eventually, when you can afford it, get yourself a nice iBook to play with. Second hand or refurb if you have to.

Then you can have a Mac AND a PC.
so I can't justify dropped another $1000+ for a Mac when I'm struggling to make tuition.

I figured he didn't have much money to spend, IF he wanted something better than that gateway, pricewise, apple isnt the way to go.

Some of us have different opinions, accept it.

Never said you didn't, don't know why you got into that.

get whatever you want, I was just giving an option.
He was just saying that your suggesting to get another PC is not going to help the fact that he wants to get *away* from one. As far as a Mac not being the way to's just as cheap to get a used iBook as it is to get a PC, if not cheaper, so I don't see how that is invalid. I have to agree, though, using Windows on top of using a Gateway on top of using a 900 MHz Gateway on top of it being a school issued computer makes for one seriously unfun way to compute.
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